Sony A7/(r) image sharing thread

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U not getting it??
Not now bro have a lot of 50's already thinking of 24-70/4 though I need a travel lens 24mm to 70mm is a good range. Will test is one of these days and see how.

He fainted liao la

I don't know about him, but I fell off my chair laughing. :D

The bokeh for the biotars are certainly a subjective matter.

Ok. No bokeh for this one.

DSC0396820140208ILCE-7 by jenkwang, on Flickr
A7+Super Takumar 85/1.9

I find that the old M42 lenses with the A/M switch easier to use in a home studio environment.
Since it can be not that well lit for a stopped down aperture, the lens can be quickly switched between wide open and stopped down at the flick of the switch.

I don't know about him, but I fell off my chair laughing. :D

The bokeh for the biotars are certainly a subjective matter.

Ok. No bokeh for this one.

DSC0396820140208ILCE-7 by jenkwang, on Flickr
A7+Super Takumar 85/1.9

I find that the old M42 lenses with the A/M switch easier to use in a home studio environment.
Since it can be not that well lit for a stopped down aperture, the lens can be quickly switched between wide open and stopped down at the flick of the switch.

Nudity detected... need to report U bro... LOL...

Good shot... Love tat baby's expression... :bsmilie:

Not now bro have a lot of 50's already thinking of 24-70/4 though I need a travel lens 24mm to 70mm is a good range. Will test is one of these days and see how.

Have u read all the reports on the FE 24-70??? :eek:

a couple from today while walking to the mrt after work

all with the 200mm F2.8 - tried getting the sensor reflection problem by shooting at the sun, F16. some typical lens flare but no sensor reflection detected

Nice shots from the walkabout.

What do you think about the amount of flare you are getting wrt your 5DIII or previous camera?
I tend to think that flare happens more often, but this is based on similar situations shot, but not having both cameras at the same time.

Also, most issues seem to be with WA lenses (esp the periphery).

I've certainly seen reports of the sensor reflection issue for both A7 and A7r.

Flare might still be the adapter.
Maybe you can try to use gaffer tape on the inside to see if it improves.

haha aiyo... i was trying to show this shot had no sensor reflection problem although i was shooting full on at the sun at F16. abit overexposed where the sun is so that the lens flare/sun star is more obvious against the buildings intentionally.

can't really do a direct comparision with the 5D3 cuz I am using different lenses. but this seems to be the same kind of lens flare i get when shooting with the sun in frame with my 135 F2. I would attribute this flare to the lens or the hoya filter i was using and not really the sensor type we see in other shots

doubt there is adaptor issue for this one as it is the sony laea4 keke... can't gaffer the translucaent pdaf mirror!

my EOS to NEX adaptor from techart already has the black cloth flocking material internally and so don't think any adaptor issues on my ef lenses.

Nice shots from the walkabout.

What do you think about the amount of flare you are getting wrt your 5DIII or previous camera?
I tend to think that flare happens more often, but this is based on similar situations shot, but not having both cameras at the same time.

Also, most issues seem to be with WA lenses (esp the periphery).

I've certainly seen reports of the sensor reflection issue for both A7 and A7r.

Flare might still be the adapter.
Maybe you can try to use gaffer tape on the inside to see if it improves.

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haha aiyo... i was trying to show this shot had no sensor reflection problem although i was shooting full on at the sun at F16. abit overexposed where the sun is so that the lens flare/sun star is more obvious against the buildings intentionally.

can't really do a direct comparision with the 5D3 cuz I am using different lenses. but this seems to be the same kind of lens flare i get when shooting with the sun in frame with my 135 F2. I would attribute this flare to the lens or the hoya filter i was using and not really the sensor type we see in other shots

doubt there is adaptor issue for this one as it is the sony laea4 keke... can't gaffer the translucaent pdaf mirror!

my EOS to NEX adaptor from techart already has the black cloth flocking material internally and so don't think any adaptor issues on my ef lenses.

Seems like its as good as it gets then.

is this the sensor reflection issue that you guys talking about?


yup can see from the top sensor reflections. shot is nice and sharp tho and the reflections do not really distract viewers :) which lens

is this the sensor reflection issue that you guys talking about?


Does not seem to have any issue here.

Its more like this :

Another one on FM forums

Only seems to happen if the light source shines directly into the lens. IMO.

Hmm...i fairly sure i have caught this with this two shots



i dont think all my fireworks shots got it. Have to check at home but these two that i have uploaded on Flickr has it.

I don't know about him, but I fell off my chair laughing. :D The bokeh for the biotars are certainly a subjective matter. Ok. No bokeh for this one. DSC0396820140208ILCE-7 by jenkwang, on Flickr A7+Super Takumar 85/1.9 I find that the old M42 lenses with the A/M switch easier to use in a home studio environment. Since it can be not that well lit for a stopped down aperture, the lens can be quickly switched between wide open and stopped down at the flick of the switch.

Another excellent shot bro nice use of lighting

yup can see from the top sensor reflections. shot is nice and sharp tho and the reflections do not really distract viewers :) which lens

yap not distracting perhaps because of the light source not that big?
i use CV21 Ultron f/1.8. shot either at f11 or f16

Hmm...i fairly sure i have caught this with this two shots



i dont think all my fireworks shots got it. Have to check at home but these two that i have uploaded on Flickr has it.

wah.. this one quite bad leh..
what lens u're using?

some shots from today's evening walk to the MRT station. Lens today is 135 F1.8 ZA






a few more - 135 F1.8 ZA


She kinda familiar she maybe my office mate or working in the same building hehehe

Man CZ 135mm A-Mount is awesome lens how this compare to FE 55 bro (in term of sharpness) as an owner of both lenses?

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