Problems encountered with your Leica!

I have not had any problems with my M9, knock on wood, but I have friends who have problems with theirs. Mostly sensor related, dead pixels and lines that required a trip to Solms.

I bought a M9 for a few reasons:

1. I wanted the simplicity of a rangefinder. Aperture, Exposure and ISO and you are good to go, not the hundreds of options on a DSLR that will take me awhile to learn and by the time I do, a new model is released.

2. To be able to use the wonderful range of M lenses.

3. Digital because while I still love film and think it is still a superior medium, nothing beats the convenience of digital. I shoot, run it through LR and load it on my iPad, pass it around and print the ones everyone in the family likes.

4. A decent megapixel count that will allow me to crop without losing much. My composition sucks and accidents happen, having the option is great.

5. Full frame sensor to take advantage of the lenses.

6. Size, the best camera is the one you have with you, the M9 is with me a lot more because it is smaller than DSLRs.

Not one of my requirements is unique to the M9, but combined, only the M9 fits the bill. If I have to put up with some quirks here and there so be it, will I buy another camera body, Leica or other brand if it meets my requirements? In a second.

Finally gotten a Steel Gray M9!!!

so far so good... but saw above post about dead pixel and red line...

Er... how to test those arh?

Finally gotten a Steel Gray M9!!!

so far so good... but saw above post about dead pixel and red line...

Er... how to test those arh?

Taking a picture of say a white board at the smallest aperture might help...


Side track a little. I took an exposure with the lens cap on at ISO 2500 1/8s and I got a entire black screen (DNG) littered with blue, green and red dots!!!

This is more than my D700 at the same settings!!!

Is this normal???

sounds like you got hot pixels mate

Finally gotten a Steel Gray M9!!!

so far so good... but saw above post about dead pixel and red line...

Er... how to test those arh?

If you don't notice anything in normal use, don't go looking for it.