$10 for AD Wedding Photography

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this might sound a bit harsh, but are you done feeling sorry for yourself yet? i'd say it's about time to grit your teeth, bounce back off the floor and face forward rather than back.

congratulations on learning a valuable lesson.

#1, ang pow given to helpers during wedding is for good luck. they are returing some luck to you, so you should get at least three, two from each side parents, and one from the wedding couple.

#2, if no ang pow given, is consider very suay (the families don't want to return you the luck), you have the rights to demand for ang pow.

#2, the norm is $18.00 per ang pow (low end). (excluding wages for additional task, eg use of car as ah yi car)

#3, your friend should reimburse transport to all helpers (all brothers or sisters) for reporting before 7am, (norm is $20~$30), the make up artist or bridal car driver will ask for early surcharge for show up before 7am (norm is $50.00)

Now, you friend only give you one ang pow of $10.00 for all your hard work, is either he
#1, act blur
#2, stingy
#3, eat too much potato
#4, don't bother about the photos will turn out fine

So, since he is paying you $10.00 ang pow for AD shoot, the words will spread, you can expect more weddings to come for you to shoot, maybe you can double your price, $19.99 for AD wedding photography.

Recently I covered one event where a MP was invited as a VIP.
I was suppose to be an invited guest, but my ex-boss who is in the organiser commitee asked me to bring my DSLR.

Since I luv shooting, I did not mind covering some parts since I know there will be an official photographer provided by the event company. When I reached the hotel, I did not see the official photographer, and start to shoot some. Later on in the night, I only found out the official photographer did not appeared.

Hence I was promoted from backup to official for the day. Did not have a proper meal that night and considered free service. I went to develop and burn a CD for the whole event.

Depends on how you see the thing, my ex-boss wanted to pay for my service, but I told her no. Whether your friend appreciate your effort, and seem that you felt used. either that you will not have posted it here.

You should have know this friend. if not out of the blue any tom n dick ask you to help will you? Not me, if its someone I don't know well, even a remote colleague asked me to help take some shoots of her daughter, I was quite surprised and tell him no directly.

Is that what you were told? Or you know for sure?

Maybe the ex-boss planned it that way..

What was the main reason you were told to bring the DSLR.??. Why would a friend ask an invited guest to bring a DSLR?? I never ask my friends to bring their DSLR, nor will my friends ask me to. :cool:

I have already make it known to my friends that I will not do weddings or events, even if its paid. Once of them dared to ask "how much" to get me out of bed for his event.. I said $1000 per hour.. he never asked again. I never "volunteer" to bring my DSLR for any event, including my company's event!:nono:

Now, I choose what I want to do for free.. Whether its good or not its really up to you. Of course, once everybody knows your rules, you get to make exceptions in return for other favors, .. like those "Pay-it-Forward" thingies related to my interests.:angel:

sometimes, i find it betta to be upfront about payment terms and conditions. If like this case,helping a friend, if say they give me an ang bao with erm such a small token of appreciation(i will accept a more resonable one though), i will just return it. Getting the payment has a form of obligation and thus will feel responsible if anything goes wrong.

this might sound a bit harsh, but are you done feeling sorry for yourself yet? i'd say it's about time to grit your teeth, bounce back off the floor and face forward rather than back.

congratulations on learning a valuable lesson.

well, I am fine , just that i feel damn suay ...hahah anyway wat done is done, let's get on with life

Let them know the content. They may have made a mistake unless the red packet had writings on them that say photographer or something like that.
Deliver the CD to them with a red packet of $10 and tell them thank you.
Indicate that you will keep the red packet for good luck but the contents is really not necessary. You can than proceed to discuss the charges if necessary or take it as a lesson.

whoa!! :bigeyes: siao liao... seems like i'm gonna be in the same position as you soon. :bsmilie: I've agreed to cover wedding for friend as a learner, but didn't agree on price... just ang bao. Hope my friend wun be too stingy

Since you haven't deliver your cd, you can try acting blur and take LONG LONG to process them.

nope, haven't delivered the CD to them yet.,,, may I ask why ???

put a $10 wording across all the photos and burn it on a CD..make sure its black color bold prints..when they ask why, then tell them its a watermark..the more u pay, the watermark will be more faint..:bsmilie:

If ur confident of at least getting some decent pics. no blur , under or over expose.
I think is better for you to ask for a fee if ur the main photographer

whoa!! :bigeyes: siao liao... seems like i'm gonna be in the same position as you soon. :bsmilie: I've agreed to cover wedding for friend as a learner, but didn't agree on price... just ang bao. Hope my friend wun be too stingy

Since you haven't deliver your cd, you can try acting blur and take LONG LONG to process them.
:bigeyes: :bigeyes: beware the ang bao... :bsmilie:

well, if I'm paid to do the task, even though I am a newbie to AD wedding photography, it's a no learning ground, do it good, do it best...I will just let this incident past by me, and next time ever if i will do for friends, i will quote them my charges... :dunno: how much ??? hmmm :think: maybe for a backup AD photographer for $250 :think: ???

I think u can withhold your judgement of ur "friend" for a while since u have not pass them the photo CD.

I think they may give you the payment when they receive the CD from you. The $10 Ang Pao is just for good luck.

And if they really just take the CD without giving you anything, you should say plainly to them to pay for your taxi fare and on that day and $1 for the cost of the CD. No matter what, you spend just one day to learn how good your fren is. Worth it !

when I did my first wedding video for a fren, he gave a $80 (i think... can't remember) Ang Pao on the day. When I deliver the DVD, he gave additional $200 (i think). :D

Umm, don't really undestand why it's a big deal. when i shoot for friends, I don't expect anything, not even an ang pow. That's what friend are for right? I mean, sometimes, you tell your friend, hey, i'll do you a favor!

Surely when you do that, you don't expect anything in return. Sometimes it's all about the friendship, not the money.

I think u can withhold your judgement of ur "friend" for a while since u have not pass them the photo CD.

I think they may give you the payment when they receive the CD from you. The $10 Ang Pao is just for good luck.

And if they really just take the CD without giving you anything, you should say plainly to them to pay for your taxi fare and on that day and $1 for the cost of the CD. No matter what, you spend just one day to learn how good your fren is. Worth it !

when I did my first wedding video for a fren, he gave a $80 (i think... can't remember) Ang Pao on the day. When I deliver the DVD, he gave additional $200 (i think). :D

Guess so, I will withhold the CD until they ask or whatever, I shall not and MUST NOT pass the CD to my friend, wait till they ask for me the CD... the day is worth spent just to see how my friend is worth to me .... and to ppl out there

I am a living example to u guys out there , dun ever treat ur friends who are photographers /hobblists in this manner, never exploit them just because they are photographers (be it newbie or watever)... just take a step back to see the whole picture, how would u feel if they treat u the same way... is it worth ur friendship???

Well, give your friend the benefit of doubt that he is unaware of market rates. I know it's hard to swallow, but the problem was you did not specify the price. So whose fault, really?

Do your best for the photo editing and give him a CD with selected best of the best pix in turn. As you hand him the CD, wrap your arm around him, give him a good shake and tell him this is a gift for him. But words will get around his circle of friends if your pix are good and this can bring you more jobs in future. Paid jobs - i hope - since you are starting out.

Just remember that every bad nights can bring about good dreams.

Press on.

Well, give your friend the benefit of doubt that he is unaware of market rates. I know it's hard to swallow, but the problem was you did not specify the price. So whose fault, really?

Do your best for the photo editing and give him a CD with selected best of the best pix in turn. As you hand him the CD, wrap your arm around him, give him a good shake and tell him this is a gift for him. But words will get around his circle of friends if your pix are good and this can bring you more jobs in future. Paid jobs - i hope - since you are starting out.

Just remember that every bad nights can bring about good dreams.

Press on.

hmmm , come to think, is my fault to not outline the price, and sure i hope that the pics are bring me more and better paid jobs in near future :think: ... more $$$ more lens ,extra body ....

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