Please help the dogs in korea!

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so, to a life, it actually makes a difference whether you slit its throat and let its lifeblood drain out.. or you just chop off its head in one blow.

sometimes, i wonder if it is indeed more humane to do certain things that are claimed to be "more humane". but none of them can tell us, can they?

a life is a life, whether you take it away by inserting the poor creature into a grinder alive, or suffocating it, or strangling it; i suspect it makes no difference with regards to the fact that it is dead.

I guess there could be veterinary and medical standards that can give hints to whether one method is quicker and therefore more humane than another and so on, but common, like any multi-billion dollar industry, standards and practices are usually governed by decades of habit as well as what's cheapest and most convenient for the company.

Anyone remember the old days of square holes in cement walls?

what if long long time ago, humans changed history by making dogs domesticated food source and chickens as pets, what do you think you will be doing now?

i think whatever the case it is, my extreme humanity will result in me starving to death at 13, after i 懂事. i am 12 right now, and i fear the day when that reckoning comes.

you see, when i celebrate my 13th birthday, a few things will strike me.

1) the clothes i am wearing comes from cotton plants. i can hear them screaming as the farmer pulls them out of the ground.

2) the birthday cake my happy parents have laid before me are filled with the souls of numerous unborn chickens. they will haunt me until the day i die.

3) the big buffet me and my guests are about to consume have murdered many innocent lives, they have done nothing to me, but i am going to eat browny the cow, clucky the chicken, danny the lamb, moody the big green leafy vegetable plant. all these are owned by people who named them affectionately. this is cruelty!

i will then proceed to refuse to stay inside my hdb flat because it is dominating the place where giant lions used to roam. if humanity had not come along, singapore would still be populated with lions. :nono:

finding myself unable to live on this big death trap for majestic lions, i then swim out to sea.. and never come back. on the bright side, i will return to mother nature some form of blessing and save us from her wrath eventually.. by giving my body to the fishes and crabs, and my bones will fertilise and return to the blessed earth what sins i have taken from it. :think:

p.s. just a parody taken to extremes, sorry if you don't find it funny.

I guess there could be veterinary and medical standards that can give hints to whether one method is quicker and therefore more humane than another and so on, but common, like any multi-billion dollar industry, standards and practices are usually governed by decades of habit as well as what's cheapest and most convenient for the company.

Anyone remember the old days of square holes in cement walls?

who is the judge of what is "humane"?

i suppose.. grinding sheep up and feeding them to their own kind, when they were originally herbivores.. is humanity? :dunno:

dun drag culture and upbringing in, esp upbringing...

so eating dog meat is cruel? eating others are not?

what if long long time ago, humans changed history by making dogs domesticated food source and chickens as pets, what do you think you will be doing now?

Err ... I am not dragging something in that has been inextricably linked to food. How do you seperate them?

At any rate, lest I get misunderstood, I am not taking some didactic or fanatical view on things.

Err ... I am not dragging something in that has been inextricably linked to food. How do you seperate them?

At any rate, lest I get misunderstood, I am not taking some didactic or fanatical view on things.

relax bro, you are the last person i expect to be consumed by some morally righteous fury here; so far one of the few that don't get caught up too much. :thumbsup:

who is the judge of what is "humane"?

i suppose.. grinding sheep up and feeding them to their own kind, when they were originally herbivores.. is humanity? :dunno:

The vets? Certainly not those focused on the stocks and shares.

The vets? Certainly not those focused on the stocks and shares.

well, there is little in life that is "humane"

i wonder why nobody starts walking up to wild lions and berating them for being more "humane" when bringing down prey.

"hey mr lion, you must be nicer to ms antelope. you should not just bite her like that, especially if her kids are around. you should just use the blunt end of your paw, knock her out, and bring her to a nicer , more convenient place.. and slit her throat and let her bleed out."

put in another way; one could argue that the dead in question could hardly care less about how they died, since they no longer exist, or feel sensation. it is therefore very ironic when people argue about this - someone once put it this way to me, it isn't out of compassion for the dead - but rather, out of a need to fulfill something within themselves.

charities donate clothing and food to the poor; yet no one ever considers why they actually do so - won't it be better to just give the poor cash since they would be better able to decide what they want to buy? the usual retort would be that they might buy something they don't actually need. and of course the retort to that would be that you don't really care what they need; but rather what you need - a sense of righteousness that you are doing right by your own standards.

Honestly, if they really kill 200 thousand dogs a year over there, it will probably mean that it's already a commonly accepted practice at least by a sizeable proportion of the population. To an extent it will probably be part of the culinary culture there (even if it's a minority).

We are not even Korean citizens, there's little chance that any government policy will be affected solely by a petition from outsiders (Though given the strong public movement over there, there will probably be local protest groups at work already). Concentrating attention and effort for the cause nearer to home will probably be more productive. Standing up against animal cruelty is good, but it's also good to be realistic.

relax bro, you are the last person i expect to be consumed by some morally righteous fury here; so far one of the few that don't get caught up too much. :thumbsup:

My brains don't work most of the time, but I'm thankful for topics like these - gives my dark matter a slight clean-out. :bsmilie:

I get scarred by some animal lovers sometimes ... and I love (some) animals.

well, there is little in life that is "humane"

i wonder why nobody starts walking up to wild lions and berating them for being more "humane" when bringing down prey.

"hey mr lion, you must be nicer to ms antelope. you should not just bite her like that, especially if her kids are around. you should just use the blunt end of your paw, knock her out, and bring her to a nicer , more convenient place.. and slit her throat and let her bleed out."

put in another way; one could argue that the dead in question could hardly care less about how they died, since they no longer exist, or feel sensation. it is therefore very ironic when people argue about this - someone once put it this way to me, it isn't out of compassion for the dead - but rather, out of a need to fulfill something within themselves.

Actually I was commenting to my wife the other night when some docu was on the telly, "Hey, has it ever occurred to anyone that evolution is damned violent, and that Mother Nature can be the most sadistic (person) ever?"

Many of us live in worlds and sub-sets of irony, rationilasation and justification as long as it fulfills desires, actions, needs or beliefs.

I'm no saint, and I don't pretend to be one either.

My brains don't work most of the time, but I'm thankful for topics like these - gives my dark matter a slight clean-out. :bsmilie:

I get scarred by some animal lovers sometimes ... and I love (some) animals.

well, then - i think most animal fanatical activists - not all of them are ranting, raving lunatics, i'm certain.. i'm talking about those that froth at the mouth - they somehow link whatever they speak up against ever so zealously.. to what they have in their lives.

but snoopy the maltese isn't just going to end up on somebody's plate tomorrow , he has someone to look after him. on the other hand, if you were stuck in a snowstorm, without any food or water.. and snoopy just happened to be beside you, with those huge doe-like eyes..

i'll leave the rest up to your imagination.

well, there is little in life that is "humane"

i wonder why nobody starts walking up to wild lions and berating them for being more "humane" when bringing down prey.

"hey mr lion, you must be nicer to ms antelope. you should not just bite her like that, especially if her kids are around. you should just use the blunt end of your paw, knock her out, and bring her to a nicer , more convenient place.. and slit her throat and let her bleed out."

U are Dorothy? :bsmilie:

Many of us live in worlds and sub-sets of irony, rationilasation and justification as long as it fulfills desires, actions, needs or beliefs.

I'm no saint, and I don't pretend to be one either.

it is interesting that you list down irony, rational thought and justification.

plato's answer to the challenge of "why be moral" (something about how morality was simply an instrumental good, i.e. it was good because of the result it brought, not because it was good in itself) included something like this - that our inner parts required to be in harmony, and the soul was divided into reason, desire and passion; and that reason should rule these 3 parts and reason would tell a person to be moral.

the standard reply from any philosopher over the years who has disputed this rather simplistic postulation.. is that anything can be linked to desire - even the most righteous man could be driven by one desire - that to preserve one's image of self as being righteous.

food for thought, indeed. and ok, time for bed. ciao!

Snoopy would probably eat me! Nah, kidding. If it were a pet cat, then yeah, they don't give a damn.

Snoopy is a Beagle, and Beagles, historically ... hey, heck, you're familiar with English traditions, so you will know that they can be hunters and pack killers if the lead horseman doesn't call off the pack. Do they still fox hunt in Britan?

The PROBLEM with all these is..... we all spend too much time on the internet!!!

Here's what I learned last year...

I have to scrub the top of every can I open.

I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl (Penny Brown) who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258th time

I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Bill Gates / Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail program

I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me, and St. Theresa's novena has granted my every wish

I no longer eat KFC because their chickens are actually horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers

I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day

I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward an email to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes

I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains

I no longer can buy gasoline without taking someone along to watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl in my back seat when I'm pumping gas

I no longer drink Pepsi or Dr. Pepper since the people who make these products are atheists who refuse to put "Under God" on their cans

I no longer use Saran wrap in the microwave because it causes cancer

I can't boil a cup of water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face... disfiguring me for life

I no longer check the coin return on pay phones because I could be pricked with an infected needle

I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me

I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica, Uganda, Singapore and Uzbekistan

I no longer buy expensive cookies from Neiman Marcus since I now have their recipe

I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to cause me instant death when it bites my butt

I can't ever pick up $5.00 I dropped in the parking lot because it probably was placed there by a sex molester waiting underneath my car to grab my leg

I can no longer drive my car because I can't buy gas from certain gas companies!

If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00 PM this afternoon and the fleas from 12 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump

I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbor's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's beautician...

Look what have the internet done to our otherwise 'normal' life :eek:

Taken from

Have you been to Guang Dong? Same thing happen in China....
I see no wrong of eating dog. I would like to test some too if I go to there.

U like to behave like an ah tiong?? :think:

your reason being?

To them is food, to you is pet, to each their own.

so next time a group of people who keep chicks as pet will go for online petition against eating chickens?

*most of these pics are most likely over sensationalised... and have you seen a slaughterhouse that don't kill?

:hung:.....:cry::cry::cry: i didn't know tat u r so inhuman, u do not keep pets, right? or izzit you keep only little gecko in your kitchen?

U like to behave like an ah tiong?? :think:

:hung:.....:cry::cry::cry: i didn't know tat u r so inhuman, u do not keep pets, right? or izzit you keep only little gecko in your kitchen?

well, geckos also a form of pet for some. even have ant farms nowadays.

one man's meat is another man's poison.

one man's food is another man's pet.

so you dun eat anything now?

well list of pets i had...

a dog, few gerbils, few rabbits, some fishes, some stray cats... so on and so forth...

Do you know, by you pointing your finger at a piece of pork to the butcher or asking for a plate of chicken rice, you are indirectly killing these animals? thats why i have made peace with the environment i lived in.

You are probably still young, so your idea would most likely be... Cats & Dogs cannot be food, only chicken, pigs, cows and lamb ought to be dead since they are born to die for us supreme beings. Have you ever asked if they wanna die in the 1st place to be something on your table?

p.s. Do i know you?

:hung:.....:cry::cry::cry: i didn't know tat u r so inhuman, u do not keep pets, right? or izzit you keep only little gecko in your kitchen?

You know, there are people who will contest that keeping pets is even an act of love.

Just a bit offtrack,
if eating dog meat is eating man's best friend...

I was reading an article about how loggers in Africa are eating apes and other primates.
Isn't that like, eating man's brother or something? :dunno:

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