Who will shoot for free for Charity?

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YES, I do shoot for charity ... and so far is Singapore Red Cross .. depending on my works schedule and how early they informed me :) ... not last minute thingy .. :nono:

SnapSnap said:
no... God don't need your photos... You give because you want to give... but if you don't want to give, don't stop other people from giving.
Well said. :thumbsup:

espn said:
When doing charity, one side has to 'lose' in order for the other side to gain. Just like when making donations, you give so that others might receive.

I would if it's for charity, like I said, the money might have come from what they've raised to reimburse your transport/ang pao, fun fairs are a joyous ocassions, and a good means to raise additional cash for the home. Hope you enjoy that little money you 'pocketed' from the fun fair now.

You are the photographer, but there are others in the charity organisation who work, organises the event, gives their time, all for free. Do they even think about being paid like us?

It's just like army, you have M203, LAW/SAW, in a charity organisation you have different groups of specialised people. Photographers like us, are just one of them. We have to work together to get things done.

Your thinking of "We help others, who help us?" will not get any donations for the charity totally, because you are too narrow minded to foresee and think more about yourself than the charity. To give is to give, not expecting anything in return. HOWEVER, what goes around comes around. Understand this? You can't balance the scale if you expect to give and want something in return in charity.

Think about it. I'm not advocating we die die all must shoot for free at Charity events, but it's what you DO at charity events that counts. If they pay, good for you.

However, if like the last time I was offered a standard market pay for the fun fair I was to cover, and the money would come from the proceeds of the entire event. I serously doubt I can bear to accept the cash that's supposed to go to the charity fund.

Not to mention, I dragged about 6 other friends along to help me out, we had fun, we met nice charity organisers, Nikon, Epson also sponsored equipment too. Everything was sponsored and out of goodwill donations. This is what I call Charity!

There's a fine line between looking for free photographers and working for free VS looking for photographers to help in charity work.

Just to add on. Which charity organisation is pretty subjective, you know what I mean.
Roasted peanuts for u? :embrass:

I will shoot free for a whorthy cause. You need to recharge your inspiration, your love for photography once in a while. For me its when I am shooting purely just for fun no strings attached, no money invoved. I do enjoy my commercia workl, but not sure how to put it. It just different shooting purely for a cause.. There is personal satisfaction in charity work :)

i view Charity w/ a pinch of salt. who actually knows how much $ they collect goes 2 those they r supposed 2 help. 1 can donate $500, but how much actually goes 2 those who need it?

its not abt donor fatigue, its abt dodgy charities tt exploit gd citizens. sure i cant stop others who 1 2 contribute $$ or time or manpower, but even charities must earn d trust 1st.

SnapSnap said:
Agree with what you say, but ultimately, it is more of a transaction between you and God, not men...

some ppl use their god' name 2 do evil. :devil:

Ultimately we are only resposible for our own deeds. Why allow others peoples misdeeds prevent you from doing what is good? Of course prudence needs to be applied to see if there is a genuine need or if its a "scam". But no reason not to give because there are cheats out there. And it easier to give money than to give time actually..

charity & volunteerism is a much abused term 4 others 4 get wad they 1, at d same time make those who did not help feel guilty. :devil:

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