Where to get digital weighing machine??


New Member
Jan 21, 2011
Any idea where can i get digital weighing machine?? The one i have now is spring one.. Spring one like 不准... Everytime different weight one lols. Probably can last plus solid kind.. Like those glass de then u step le then will on one. Haha.. I on budget so not too ex also haha.

Anyways, i googled and cant find any recent articles in this subject. Thats why i ask here haha.

Carrefour at suntec City.

I bought mine at Tangs Orchard last time.

The brand is Tanita, made in Japan.


couple models in Best, seen in IMM jurong..

I have an AWS AWM-600 I got from digitalscalesaz.com and I'm very satisfied with it. It weighs from 0.1 to 600g with a back lit screen. It's thin and has a closing lid, perfect for pockets. There's also an extra batter compartment for backups.

So many places have them. You can find Omron ones at Guardian and NTUC pharma, I think Osim shops also carry their own brand.

I bought mine from Carrfour last time...take note of the scale (decimal)...the first one I got was in 0.5kg so it's useless in weighting human body weight....Imagine if you are +/- 70kg....it will show you 69.5, 70 or 70.5....not meaningful at all....you need one that is at least showing 0.1 scale :)