What is your favourite aperture to take photographs at?

What is your favourite aperture to take photographs at?

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different exposure factors, different point of focus, different distance from the lens. how can we decide what is favourite?

as expected, highest vote is 2.8... well guess there shouldn't be any fav f-stop... thats where the fun comes in, using different setup and settings for different situation to create your most desired outcome...:)

i think the thread title should be favourite aperture for the lens....;)

Low light - F/2.8 or F/5.6 with IS(latter is for tele lens)
Low light /w flash(i.e portraits) F/4 1/60s & Flash intensity +2(Program mode)
Outdoors - F/5.6 - F/10

Like most replies, there is NO one FAV aperture..... it depends on situation, but if there should be an answer to your 'open-ended' question, I would say f/5.6, which is my standby setting for my cam

it depends on the angel to angel which you are taking. or if you are going to have that Photos to canvas then i think you need a very superior quality of picture.


Low lighting i love to go as big an aperture as possible.
Landscape / buildings anywhere from 8 to 11.


is there a big difference between f/8 and f/11?

I think there is no favourite. It depends on the type of photography.

Personally, I find this question to be very close to "...favourite ISO" or "...favourite shutter speed".

So what's yours? :)

is there a big difference between f/8 and f/11?

f8 maybe a tad blurred out towards the ends of the frame, equal sharpness though i think..

why do everyone like to shoot wide open with the largest apertures? my fav is f5.6 - 11.. well thats the range that i work with mostly

f8 maybe a tad blurred out towards the ends of the frame, equal sharpness though i think..

why do everyone like to shoot wide open with the largest apertures? my fav is f5.6 - 11.. well thats the range that i work with mostly

i have recently discovered that with f/32 all the time at 20mm, i can produce good blurry photographs that i can claim artistic license for..

after all, this is a new age where we try to break all the norms.. f/32 will improve your creativity for sure. :bsmilie::bsmilie: even better if you start taking photos of yourself.

i have recently discovered that with f/32 all the time at 20mm, i can produce good blurry photographs that i can claim artistic license for..

after all, this is a new age where we try to break all the norms.. f/32 will improve your creativity for sure. :bsmilie::bsmilie: even better if you start taking photos of yourself.

Hoi! Don't turn this into Kopitiam. :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

On most lenses stop down 2 steps .Best choice .

for portraits, I'll try to stop down to as low f number as the lens can afford. For landscape, I usu. use f8...that is the sweet spot for my lens. Again, depends on the lens you use, what you are trying to shoot....and light conditions...

mainly f7.1 or f8 !
depends on situation will use diff f stop but mainly 60% of the time at this 2 stops

what ever the maximum of the lens i use. in my case, f/2.8.