Problem looking for job

Survival of the Fittest (and multitasking). I think if anyone has not figured that out by now is doom. And doom to waste time lamenting instead of helping themselves.

Also I would not always want to bring up the "AGE" card. If you have what it takes, you will not say not be able to find something to do. If you want to remain fussy and dreaming of your hey days or the hey days you WERE PROMISED in your old age. They have another thing coming lah.

I am 48. I left a shitty job at great risk in 2008. Financial no well off though I was a manager ( an over work and multi hat one) I jump off and in a way luck and also becos I have numerous experiences where some I learnt on the job or willing to take on as part of my work(load).. ..and not ask for more money. Well that experience, mindset and abilities left me "employable" enough to get offered a chance to get another job 2 months plus of being jobless. I got picked up for a more better position then I applied for.

At 48... I don't see any problem with my future and I am willing to learning, a flexible mindset and making time enjoying my life without over working. If anyone at my age want to still think.. it is time to ease back and still carry on earning more and thinking that age egual promotion..etc they really have to take off their rose tainted glass and smell the coffee. This is Singapore. Hate for what it is or maybe it is time for a mind change. It is hard as some might not have started yet but hey.. you want to keep eating and living, what choice do you have apart from lamenting all the time.

Granted I also will lament about stuff like that but behind the screen.. I am still fighting the good fight to live on.

And at the back of my mind I know I can be replaced, down graded or have to do a lot more lower paying job or just be paid as such. Can you change that? "Survival of the Fittest" is not something Charles Darwin thought out and that saying is obsolete and just for history class. It is very much the NAME OF THE GAME today until the day the earth stop existing.

Right now I am still having problem hiring people for some retail sale job. I wish so much to give to locals but in the end I have alot of Filipinos, Malaysian and China national coming in for the job. Locals just seem to want a lot more benefits but do less work or work that give them more free time to enjoy.. etc. True these are junior position in sales and more suitable for the young but even the young rather be "executive" and find serving "degrading". and the older staff which I am open to employ..they rather dream of their hey days... they want to still have the same things they enjoyed ( especially the manager type ) but are now retrenched from. As much as you want that or blame the govt for that.. the thing is.. you can not live on love and fresh air in the mean time. As a Chinese saying goes.. Horse die, get up and walk... till you find another horse. If you are good and hardworking even a lower position job can give you the means to get promoted fast or be the stepping stone you need to survive. The definition of "Survive" in Singapore is alot more grander then surviving in say Indonesian or Vietnam.

:thumbsup: Fully agree to what you stated. Whether it is as an employee or a freelancer, it is a world where survival of the fittest matters most. Gotta be prepared to work till we 'kick the bucket' if there is not a lot of money (in the bank and investments) in the greying years to come. And for a person to be in good health is the most important key. Without health, everything else will fall apart.

I worked in MacDonald's for a few months after my O Levels when I was 17. In the future if no choice, and if I'm still in good health, I don't mind doing it again when I'm 70.

:thumbsup: Fully agree to what you stated. Whether it is as an employee or a freelancer, it is a world where survival of the fittest matters most. Gotta be prepared to work till we 'kick the bucket' if there is not a lot of money (in the bank and investments) in the greying years to come. And for a person to be in good health is the most important key. Without health, everything else will fall apart.

I worked in MacDonald's for a few months after my O Levels when I was 17. In the future if no choice, and if I'm still in good health, I don't mind doing it again when I'm 70.

I do hope my fellow S'porean could retire happily when the time come. At least, do something you enjoy and not worrying about bringing food to the table.

It is a sad sight to see our senior working in food court, cleaning tables and plates for us.....

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I do hope my fellow S'porean could retire happily when the time come. At least, do something you enjoy and not worrying about bringing food to the table.

It is a sad sight to see our senior working in food court, cleaning tables and plates for us.....

Quite unlikely. With the ever increasing greying population in the next few decades, there will be a lot more:

* uncles sitting at the coffee shop doing little or nothing
* elderly working at fast food places n food courts
* old folks homes (maybe different classes at varying prices)

you have to find out the "decent" jobs that were offer, what other expectations that are not stated in the job ad. You can try calling the HR.

You have to keep reviewing your expectation, resume, cover letter, interview skills, etc...
First is you have to get that interview.
For my last job search, I have review and rewrite my resume 5 times before landing my current job. All cover letters I wrote are tailored to a specific job ad. Make sure no grammar, spelling mistakes, etc.

When I got an interview, research more into the employer and find out more about the job if possible. Think through the possible questions they might ask and come up with answers. Arrived at least 15 mins early. Be positive and honest during the interview. Show interest in the job by asking relevant questions. Observe your own body language and as well as the the interviewer's.

After the interview, call the HR and find out how you fair in the interview.....
Keep reviewing, get feedbacks, polish up your resume and interview skills. edit(get someone else to proofread your resume)
Also, try to match your expectations with whatever "decent" that is offer out there.

Good luck.

edit: Decent Sales Job?? Your interview skills will be paramount. If you can't sell yourself, then how can they expect you to do well in your sales job?

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