Potrait of a Tiger (Toy)


May 28, 2010
Hi :D decided to just play around with my cam and took this pic of a stuff toy tiger :D


iso: 3200
aperture: F4.5
shutter speed: 1/50s

1. in what area is critique to be sought?
Composition, overall potrait feel

2. what one hopes to achieve with the piece of work?
As a practice for shooting potrait shots, I gave it a shot and hope for C&C to see how can i furthur inprove

3. under what circumstance is the picture taken? (physical conditions/emotions)
Was just fiddling with my cam in my bedroom in the middle of the afternoon when i took the shot

4. what the critique seeker personally thinks of the picture
It might be a lil soft?

In case you might wonder why there isn't anyone wanted to critique or comment on this photo.

This looks like a photo taken simply for ebay or a blogshop without care about its composition.

Hi WhitePaper - Guess Composition skills will comes with experience and practice (plus reading some articles/books). I will have to agree with coolthought.

I will add that in term of portrait technique, focusing on the eye is an impt aspect (which you have done). But for portrait photography, I would NOT do it in such a dim light environment. :)

I'm still a newbie (to the forum) so maybe I'm not qualified to critique, take it as my two-cents comment.

What is interesting for me is the fact that Pentax DSLR camera does quite well at ISO-3200. I was expecting a lot of noise at ISO above 1600 but guess I need to learn more about other camera makers.

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Hi daredevil, im not quite sure if your 2nd link works.

Overall, you should just shoot more, play around with lighting more, read up more.

Hi daredevil, im not quite sure if your 2nd link works.

Overall, you should just shoot more, play around with lighting more, read up more.

Thanks for the heads up.. links fixed.

Thanks daredevel. The tutuorials are great tips for us beginners.