Pentax Q will be in town next week :)

will be interesting to see how Q perform in low light scenes.

But as said by edutilos, not everything is about DOF.
Many times, in low light situations like events, dinners, etc, I wished I could have the same light gathering ability but more DOF.
A APS-C or FF at f1.4 has a really thin DOF, that can mean too few people within the frame being sharp enough, or poor resistance to slight subject movement (eg. twitch a bit, subject is no longer in focus).
This is where a larger DOF camera like the Q with option for fast lenses can come in.
At wide open f1.7, it will have much more DOF while its light gathering ability stays at f1.7.

I like your take on things. Guess I have to eat my words about the Pentax Q "having no reason to exist." Yes, there will be situations when you will want deep focus but can't afford to close down to f5.6. This mix of fast lens+small sensor indeed provides a solution to the problem.

*Sigh* Too late, too vague, and not great.

Too late - the market is flooded with small form factor cameras. Why need another one?

Too vague - from all the posts above, I still do not see how this one will replace my P&S (F550EXR) or Fuji X100. We need more clarity on the positioning of this product. If I want a small camera, I want something that has fantastic zoom range and can fit into my jeans pocket. If I bring all the lenses out to change, I might as well bring my DSLR. It seems recently manufacturers design interchangeable cameras for it's own sake!

Not great - It may be good, but not great. First, there is no visual appeal. There's nothing to catch the eye and scream "Buy me"! I assume, of course, that this camera is aimed at the consumer, not the professional. Also I could not find any "killer features" that would make me want to rush out and get one.

I wish it all the best, but I doubt I will get one personally.

Let's see how it handles and looks and costs.. in real life.

A lot of tech gurus were writing off the iPhone and iPad on their debuts.. based solely on their specs and without having touched it at all. It's too soon to proclaim it as a success or failure. :)

Hi guys, I was browsing at Orient Photo last night and saw a sales person pitching the Pentax Q to the shop. The camera looks really good and small, almost like a iPhone size..the bad news is that if I did not hear wrongly, the RRP is around 900 with a standard lens. Very ex IMHO, was thinking of getting one to bring along everywhere I go but for that price..hmm..I might just get another lens or upgrade to K5..

Thinking of buying a M9 but this might be a cheaper alternative... decisions, decisions... :what:

Thinking of buying a M9 but this might be a cheaper alternative... decisions, decisions...

Hi Dennis
For the price of the M9, you can buy many Q as gifts and make your family and friends happy ;)

Hi guys, I was browsing at Orient Photo last night and saw a sales person pitching the Pentax Q to the shop. The camera looks really good and small, almost like a iPhone size..the bad news is that if I did not hear wrongly, the RRP is around 900 with a standard lens. Very ex IMHO, was thinking of getting one to bring along everywhere I go but for that price..hmm..I might just get another lens or upgrade to K5..

The guy likely from Emjay. Looks like they are at the crucial moment comvincing the market its a viable product. But not to worry too much, new revolutionary stuff tend to command a premium at launch. I seem to recall its called market skimming of the early adopters. I think the street price should be about $100 cheaper as usual...:)

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900,even 800, will be pretty steep for many people. Me, i'll rather upgrade to k5 for that amount.

But i'm still keen... Need a compact camera.

Just waiting for prices to settle, and second hand copies to pop up. Should take some time.

And those sample photos look really nice, you can't tell they are from a camera w/ such a small sensor ...

eh... actually, the day time ones are very nice... the night time one, you CAN tell that its from a small sensor :angel: must have healthy expectations lah ;p its a small sensor after all...

Man.. the youtube links.. make me want to buy one.. :sweat:

Must fight off that devil.. :devil:

eh... actually, the day time ones are very nice... the night time one, you CAN tell that its from a small sensor :angel: must have healthy expectations lah ;p its a small sensor after all...

I haven't looked at small sensor images at 100% for a while... But the jpgs there seem quite detailed! Of course not in DSLR class, but it's pretty good compared to what I remember from my older P&S cameras (i.e. Canon IXUS).

I haven't looked at small sensor images at 100% for a while... But the jpgs there seem quite detailed! Of course not in DSLR class, but it's pretty good compared to what I remember from my older P&S cameras (i.e. Canon IXUS).

just to clarify :) i'm not poking holes in the Q or anything.

my view is that in that price range, a more reasonable comparison for the Q would be LX3/5, S90 or the Fuji F200EXR - higher end PNS with larger (1/1.6) sensors.

i have the F200 and i've shot night shots like the Q's sample pix - not awesome but very usable.

the day shots, i'm impressed. its very good.