Me & My RF

Hi RF user, this me.. Was testing out the Light-Saber, Canon 85mm f1.9, in Tokyo..


I did drive a bug, till last march. Was driving bug for 15 years, went through 3 bugs, all with different mods. ;-)
Last one stay with me for 9 years, was very happy and proud of it...till I finally had to sell it to get a SUV for family use!
Do you drive one too?

Best regards,

For the fun of it....

This is cooooool.....Cool Sir DanKwan:cool::cool::cool:

Courtesy of fujinon 50 1.2....ooooooo... I've got chills!!! So lovely the bokeh....hacker's one heck of a photographer trapped inside the body of a towkay...


monkey suit during work, dress like monkey on weekends, and monkey me in my most natural the trees and 2 "bananas" hanging off my neck (photo courtesy of mrs monkey)

oi!!! Lucky you read the law before you posted if not I drag you to court and take your 0.95 and your 1!!!! Oi!!!! Eh... Quite handsome huh? Haha

Now I see the corporate side of you....dun want to be in your bad books. :sweat:


monkey suit during work, dress like monkey on weekends, and monkey me in my most natural the trees and 2 "bananas" hanging off my neck (photo courtesy of mrs monkey)

is that a rollei MF camera on ur neck????

Looking at all the bro's pics here making me itchy.

My not so clear portrait with my Smiley M .



Me and my humble R3A