Lost parcel with tracking number

"Your item departed a transfer airport in Changi" means your items is being transferred to local postage company, likely SingPost.

Anyway, when you see this status, it's low chance for it to get lost. It be take longer than you expect, but it's seldom lost.
I ship items every month and over the years only remember one case of lost-in-transit item.

Thanks alot for the comforting information.
Just curious, if the parcel is indeed transferred to Singpost, why is it that Singpost does not have a record of it when I called them up?

Speedpost sucks.
Always vomit blood.
My experience: DHL is the best so far.

Not long ago I ordered a watch. Since no one is at home most of the time, I used by friend's address for delivery instead. His wife and mother are almost always in during the daytime.

On the day of delivery the gate was locked but the main door was open (HDB flat). According to my friend his doorbell is loud and can be heard from inside the bedroom. The parcel was NOT delivered and instead a notice (non-delivery) was left behind. On top of that there was a visit by NEA officers on the same day and they had no problems with getting entry to the flat.

I called 1605 to bang table (very very hard). I was told that a re-delivery will take 2 - 3 working days. I banged harder. Someone from the sorting centre called me later and promised to send it the next day. I finally received the parcel the next day.

Why didn't the postman deliver the parcel when there were two persons at home during that time? Laziness? Can't be bothered? Don't care?

In another incident, I was at one of SingPost's branches. I asked the service officer that and got a confirmation that service 1605 (phone service) is contracted out to some company in INDIA. I was not happy with the service that I got from 1605 earlier and so asked whom could I complain about 1605 to. The answer? Call 1605. Duh!!!


We can complain and have negative views about singpost everyday, but Jack Ma thinks otherwise

I had the repeated displeasure finding the notification for the POPStation outside my door dropped into the plastic box for leaflets. Singpost is asking for escalations with such careless behaviour. The loss is with us, the customers while Singpost got the money for delivery via the inter-company agreements.

We can complain and have negative views about singpost everyday, but Jack Ma thinks otherwise

Jack Ma got other troubles to think of now, no time for Singpost.

And the bad service is not limited to post man, but counter service too. Some years ago I want to ship off a watch, idiot guy told me to remove the batteries, citing security reasons. I went to the next brand and send with no problems. Forgot to complain, though doubt it matters anything to them too. Suspect they hire low pay, low quality workers who dont care.

Another incident, brought my domestic helper to remit her salary back, the counter girl don't know how to do it, ask her auntie colleague for help, the auntie colleague told her off and refused to help, she then experiment herself, lucky we can see the screen, even when all the information and data wrote down and provided to her, she can key in wrongly. Pointed the mistake to her, she amended a few, (a lot of mistakes), but got more errors so screen reloaded, and she made the same mistakes again, pointed out to her, she giggle like school girl, I nearly shout at her, working not serious, people's few months salary in her hands she can be so careless, donno her job nevermind, still want to play and waste people's time. My uneducated worker can spell better than her. What kind of people Singpost hiring, is the results for all low quality service and many mistakes and lost mail.

Another incident, on the way home one late evening, saw a lot of mail left ontop of the letterbox of my opposite block, obviously postman forgot. Got letters got packages. Helped to slot in all the individual letters and delivered the parcels to the units. People thought I postman, I told I'm their neighbour and postman just leave the mail around and forgot.

Maybe thats how your purchase got lost.

Another incident, postman delivered registered post to me and asked me why I have purchases from China coming in everyday? Why he care? Security and privacy invasion? Anyway I say I restock cheap stuff yearly. Then he went to chat with me and told me next block whichever unit number (he actually said the unit number) got one guy called XXX (he actually told me the name) also got packages from China everyday. Wah Lan Yeh, imagine how many people this post man monitoring and sharing private info to strangers everywhere. I am a rather burly nasty looking guy, so nevermind. Imagine he monitoring your daughters and wives' purchases.

Makes me worried about my own purchases now. Got a few nice glass incoming. :sweat:

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To be fair, it is really my 1st incident with Singpost.
The previous deliveries has been flawless and the postman most friendly.
Let all not go into Singpost bashing..

Just hope that Singpost or which ever department is involve in the screw up with my item.
Fix the root cause of this problem. the uneasy feeling of uncertain waiting is Really hard to bare...

I was going to say have you asked the postman yet???

I was going to say have you asked the postman yet???

Hi Nik****n:

I am oversea actually, no chance to ask the postman.
The parcel is addressed to my friend's house in SG.
Called up USPS last night and they escalated the case, already 12days since the last online tracking update.

I recently purchase a watch (above $400, has to pay SG GST)from a seller in the US
Based on USPS tracking online the parcel is scheduled to be delivered on 8th Sept.
Until now the parcel has not reach me and when I call Singpost and ICA parcel service, they are not able to find the tracking number in their system.
Whats the next step in locating this parcel? Anyone with similar experience to share/advice?
Thank you.

Maybe from one of THOSE Nigerian scammers again.... ?