How to Digitally Watermark Images

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New Member
Oct 10, 2003
Does anyone know a cheap and good (or even free) software that can be used for digitally watermarking images? The idea is not to have a visible watermark but an invisible one which can be read later using a reader of sorts to reveal copyright information. Anyone out there who is currently using such a software and perhaps can share their experiences?

The ones which I've found on the net seem to be rather horrendously expensive...


You can go to Advance Search for "watermark" + "Search title only"

there are many discussion on watermark

did a search, it only shows threads discussing VISIBLE watermarks, ie those which you can see on the photo, typically as a transparent floating text in one corner.

I believe andi is asking about DIGITAL watermarks which are INVISIBLE, which are used to track copyrights in an image. The digital watermarks are encrypted onto the image with little difference to the actual image and can only be read with a special reader. an expensive example is digimarc.

megaweb said:
You can go to Advance Search for "watermark" + "Search title only"

there are many discussion on watermark

andi1704 said:
Does anyone know a cheap and good (or even free) software that can be used for digitally watermarking images? The idea is not to have a visible watermark but an invisible one which can be read later using a reader of sorts to reveal copyright information. Anyone out there who is currently using such a software and perhaps can share their experiences?

The ones which I've found on the net seem to be rather horrendously expensive...


Hi andi1704,

Just a question... not just to yourself, but in general.
If someone goes to the expense/trouble of Digital Watermark.
Then I guess they are also going to be serious about getting justice for their stolen Photo. :dunno:

Don't you have enough proof of original ownership if you don't post the original, but a copy with the Exif info removed. :dunno:

Does this make any sense or have I got something wrong here. :(

the digital watermark isn't always to show ownership, but more to track where the images have been, to see if the people who are licensed to use it use it in the correct way etc.

Pablo said:
Hi andi1704,

Just a question... not just to yourself, but in general.
If someone goes to the expense/trouble of Digital Watermark.
Then I guess they are also going to be serious about getting justice for their stolen Photo. :dunno:

Don't you have enough proof of original ownership if you don't post the original, but a copy with the Exif info removed. :dunno:

Does this make any sense or have I got something wrong here. :(

Thanks vince123123,
I must say that I am not a photographer that takes photo's for a such I had not looked at the situation from that angle.
Forgive me for that if you will.
I understand what you said quite well !!

Digital watermark or apply for copyright exercises are only effective if you deem what was stolen from this case, a picture you shot is important enough to invest the time and to pursue the case even when you are armed with digital watermark or other form of proof to back up your case. The problem especially in the internet age is when something like your photo was leeched from you in your Singapore base website and then used in say..Vietnam or China hosted website. If that country has no law or regulator to govern intellectual property. You are basically screwed. Digital watermark or no digital watermark.

This is something not uncommon to just the photographic world but to anything that might has a monetary value to it or a means to save untold cost and/or hijacked creativity ideas. The company I worked in has branched into China, for example. All the creative design, photography we use are done in house. In less then 6 month into our venture into Shanghai & was not long before we found out posters with our logos cut out and showed to represent another brand of products! We tried to take action but their legal system for intellectual property protection..etc are so non-existence that there was really nothing we could do. We tried..cost the end we were running around in circle.

Imagine that is at corporate level. Imagine as an individual. Unless your picture is so famous like some of those featured in National Geographic that is so uniquely yours and credited to you in the issue unless it is really that priceless commercially, it is almost impractical for anyone of us hobbist to pursue legal means. Hard to swallow I know. I use to incorporate digital watermark on my pictures but after all this time and looking into it..I think placing a graphic or text translucent watermark over my pictures if I am going to feature it on the web or even in soft copys makes the most sense.

care to share what program/provider u used for ur digital watermark?

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