HELP!! how to clean fungus from slides!!

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Senior Member
Jun 29, 2002
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help help!! fungus has invaded my precious volumes of slides!! :cry:
Anyone has idea how to clean them???

Also, would it be possible to scan the slides and remove the fungus by Photoshop??

Any suggestions is much appreciated!! thanks!!

You can try to use some cotton with vinegar ,the point is that if the fungus is made by your finger prints they will clean , if the slides got fungus by high lamp tempratures , you will nor see any diference .

what u mean by finger print and high lamp temperature???
fungus not cause by dampness meh??
please enlighten.
can use the vinegar to clean both sides of the slide? i believe one side of the slide has all the emulsion... what if i rub away my picture???:confused:

1. Get a Nikon Coolscan 4000ED, turn on ICE and scan the thing. Then output it back to slides. :devil:

2. Kodak used to have a product called "Film Cleaner", it's sort of alcohol-based solution for cleaning film of oil and fingerprints. It might help, though I am not sure if it's still available for sale. Last saw in Ruby Photo 15 years ago.


To avoid fungus attack keep slides
in dryfit cabinet or in cool dry places.
Handle slides with hand gloves.

Have tried the Perma film preserver sold
by Ruby Photo a couple of years ago.
But it could not get rid of all of the fungus.

According to Kodak, you can use their
film cleaner to clean them.
Check this out: :)

Have mange to maintain fungus free for some of my slides
in an air-condition room kept in steel filing cabinet.
Kodachrome seems to hate fungus compared to other
slides film. Kept some Kodachrome slides for more than
20 years without fungus.

thanks all for giving valuable inputs. I found this film cleaning solution call PEC12 at CP. it cost $28. ouch! but worth is as it helps me to clean my negatives and lens.

i use zippo lighter fluid to clean negs and slides. you may want to check it out.

double ouch!!. anyway, thanks verkz for your advice! cheers

hi juz wondering can i use acetone like those found in nail polish remover to clean my glossy prints and negs?

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