Gaffer Tape the Camera!

Nice work but how come never gaffer the badges? Den no one will know its a 5D Mk II. lol. :bsmilie:

One sure fire way: keep it in the box. :D

if you do that i think the silver lining will get ripped off when you replace the gaffer, happened to a 1d3, thats way i scared liao lol.

I don't gaffer it for any functional purpose.
I just prefer the labelless look of it, so it doesn't matter about what camera or lens it is, just shoot :)

i believe everyone will have thier own reasons to gaffer thier cam and we should learnt respect that. i gaffer my cam too but for 2 reasons, 1 i ve bad sweaty palms and i find gaffer tapes helps give me a better grap with the cloth like material. 2nd i travel to countryside of 3rd world countries and i feel better not to show the make and model of my cam to remain low profile..... just want to share my 2 cents worth.

I don't know about sweaty palms but ugly gaffer tapes can reduce the attention of would be thieves when travelling. No one wants to steal (looks like) taped up "broken" camera. For added safety, tape up your LCD as well as this will make it look like old film camera which is not that attractive to thieves.

Another thing I found out is that if shooting in desert environment where sand is very fine, it is a good idea to tape up all the holes, CF doors etc as sand will get in. In my case, I used paper masking borrowed from the guide.

So, gaffer tape can be a useful addition. Of course, there are others that like to "kay hiao!"

Wa lao. But like that a bit un-glam leh... Just wondering, anywhere got sell those transparent crystal cover casing like those for handphone? If they produce similar cover for DSLR, haha it'll be good. :)

haha yea i think if there's some clear protection case/cover it'd be good too:)
Camera Armour.

where do you folks get your gaffer tape in Singapore? I'd see if it's cheaper over there or down here in Melbourne. got some mates back in SG now and might make it economical for me to get some back there.

I like my lenses black
whack it on here and there

Just wondering, how many of u guys out there gaffer your lens hoods?

I only gaffered one of mine, coz its very new. Well plastic hoods is pretty prone to scratching but thats the price to pay for lighter hoods. I rather have a light plastic hood than a heavy (metal) one.

Just wondering, how many of u guys out there gaffer your lens hoods?

I only gaffered one of mine, coz its very new. Well plastic hoods is pretty prone to scratching but thats the price to pay for lighter hoods. I rather have a light plastic hood than a heavy (metal) one.
i only camou gaffered my 300 2.8 lens and hood

on my 85, i gaffered the whole thing, for fun
on my 35, i put strips on (as a gaffer dispenser when I'm out and about)

Have an orange and black striped zebra-pattern gaffer orgieee! Hehehehe!

I bought some green tape today.
Hope to tape my camera green next week!

I bought some green tape today.
Hope to tape my camera green next week!

Remb to pose it with yourself in the new no.4 uniform. Confirm Camo thick thick! cant see you from far! :bsmilie:

Hi guys... where can I get the gaffer tapes here? Asked some shops and no one seems to know, Homefix showed me to some cloth/canvas tapes that look like it's gonna strip my camera to the core when I remove the tape next time.