F200EXR sharings sessions photos...

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hello kopi, i tot u sold yr f200exr

hi, i'm new here, can anyone advise how to input photo ?


My new toy, f200exr , test shot

congrats,enjoy yr cam, i've got it today too, u manage to post the pics dat's good


yes, like it , much better compare to my ex-cam. thanks again for your guide :D

hi anakin, u stay somewhere near bedok reservoir area? coz the photos u shot almost same from my room angle i shot. haha

btw, can teach me how to post photo here? thanks all!


yeah!! finally i know how to upload photo.

haha... yeah... really a great p&s cam. tonight will bring it out for my fren birthday party.


Was trying on capturing fast water droplets using the fastest shutter speed possible offered by the camera. But is very difficult for me. Especially when trying to capture the AF of the water dropping point.... :confused: Anyone has tried before too?


AF on the middle of the cup, and adjust the water droplet?

prefocus, and estimate the time needed for you to release the water droplet to it reaching the cup. get a feel of the camera's shutter lag time, and u're more or less there.

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This kind of shot is best done using manual pre-focus but I think the F200EXR can't do this. As the water droplet is so fast, the AF can lock onto it accurately because the photographer will have problem tracking it too. :)

at turf club today,


yup agree. any suggestions how can I focus on the cup or the water surface area? Somehow the camera is unable to set the focus even though I half tap the shutter button.
what do you mean by "unable to focus on the cup"?? learn how the AF of the camera works! min. focusing distance and stuff.

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