Dry Cabinets for Toy Collections


New Member
Oct 2, 2013

For collectors of paper, wood, fabric, and metallic items, mold and mildew are a major concern when it comes to preserving and conserving a collection. These materials are all susceptible to mold if stored improperly. Mold is a growth caused by fungi that will leave the item in very poor condition. Molds grow when humidity in the atmosphere reaches above 60% in damp, warm, dark, poorly ventilated areas like attics and cellars. These places are the worst for collectibles to be stored because they not only invite mold and mildew, but also destruction by insects that feed on paper and other fibers.

Here are a few simple steps that will help to keep your collection in great shape:
1. Keep your figures displayed in an area with no direct sunlight. If they're displayed on a bookshelf or display case, make sure they are set in an area of the room farthest from any windows that allow in a lot of sunlight.

2. Keep your figures stored or displayed in a room with controlled room temperature. Do not store your figures where excess heat can affect them, such as a garage or an attic.

3. These figurines are best stored in a drycabinet with controlled humidity levels to prevent moisture build up and mildew growth. If you value your collection items, you should invest in a long term storage solution to protect and prolong their lifespan as items with unrecoverable damages will lose its aesthetic and resale value.

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