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Senior Member
Jun 28, 2004
have not been posting much cos hv been really bz..
jus some pics here did some time ago...



hmm busy with *something* and with weddings.. STILL GOT TIME TO SHOOT MODDER!!!

yao siew...!!

brudder... this was shot some time ago lah...

great shots William! I like the 2nd shot. How did u manage to tune down the relfection? or was it shot at low daylight...

I love the first shot! The expression on her, the rain drops and the tone of color all works really well together. Great stuff!

heard she may be back nin Singapore in Jan

I'll say the first picture takes the cake. Its intriguing
and makes me want to stare at it for more.

from photographer guru to artist!
higher level each time :thumbsup:

hi all
thanks for your comments...

great shots William! I like the 2nd shot. How did u manage to tune down the relfection? or was it shot at low daylight...

Hi.. thanks...
it was shot in the late afternoon...
managed to tone down the reflection cos of the angle that I took..
got quite a few spoilt ones cos of the reflection as well.. ;)

I love the first shot! The expression on her, the rain drops and the tone of color all works really well together. Great stuff!

hahaa.. thanks... catch up wif u real soon.. ;)

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