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Senior Member
Jan 16, 2002

wah ! his movie is very good stress reliever. just watch his movie, laugh and forget, dont argue about integrity. lot of peoples criticize him, i think they are just jealous...

he got 160 movies !!

  1.《提防老千》Tai fong lo chin (2006)
  2.《雀圣》Jeuk sing (2005)
  3.《美丽传说2:星愿》 (2005)
  4.《黑白战场》Hak bak jin cheung (2005)
  5.《小鱼儿与花无缺》 (2005)
  6.《黑白战场》Color of the loyalty (2005)
  7.《八大豪侠》 (2005)
  8.《天下第一》Tian xia di yi (2005) (2005)
  9.《精装追女仔2004》Cheng chong chui lui chai 2004 (2004)
  10.《性感都市》Sing gam diy shut (2004)
  11.《新扎师兄》San jaat si hing (2004)
  13.《黑白森林》Hak bak sam lam (2003)
  14.《绝种铁金刚》Chuet chung tit gam gong (2003)
  15.《绝种好男人》Chuet chung ho nam yun (2003)
  16.《有情饮水饱》Yau ching yam shui baau (2001)
  17.《情迷大话王》Ching mai daai wa wong (2001)
  18.《小宝与康熙》 (2001)
  19.《笨小孩》Ban siu haai (2000)
  20.《黄飞鸿之铁鸡斗蜈蚣》Wong Fei-hung chi tit gai dau neung gung (2000)
  21.《赌侠大战拉斯维加斯》Du xia da zhan Lasi Weijiasi (1999)
  22.《黑马王子》Hei ma wang zi (1999)
  23.《千王之王2000》Chin wong ji wong 2000 (1999)
  24.《赌侠1999》Du xia 1999 (1998)
  25.《超级整蛊霸王》Chao ji zheng gu ba wang (1998)
  26.《新恋爱世纪》San luen oi sai gei (1998)
  27.《龙在江湖》Long zai jiang hu (1998)
  28.《爱上百分百英雄》Ai shang 100% ying xiong (1997)
  29.《豪情兄弟》Courage Brothers (1997)
  30.《鼠胆龙威》Shu dan long wei (1995)
  31.《赌圣2:街头赌圣》Du sheng 2 jie tou du sheng (1995)
  32.《百变星君》Bai bian xing jun (1995)
  33.《新英雄本色》Xin ying xiong ben se (1994)
  34.《赌神2》Du shen xu ji (1994)
  35.《恋爱的天空》Lian ai de tian kong (1994)
  36.《珠光宝气》Zhu guang bao qi (1994)
  37.《九品芝麻官之白面包青天》Jiu pin zhi ma guan bai mian bao qing tian (1994)
  38.《新边缘人》Xin bian yuan ren (1994)
  39.《城市猎人》Cheng shi lie ren (1993)
  40.《笑侠楚留香》Xiao xia Chu Liu Xiang (1993)
  41.《逃学威龙Ⅲ之龙过鸡年》Tao xue wei long zhi long guo ji nian (1993)
  42.《武侠七公主》Wu xia qi gong zhu (1993)
  43.《至尊三十六计之偷天换日》Zhi zun zhou liu ji zhi tou tian huan ri (1993)
  44.《追男仔》Zhui nan zi (1993)
  45.《超级学校霸王》Chao ji xue xiao ba wang (1993)
  46.《倚天屠龙记之魔教教主》Yi tian tu long ji zhi mo jiao jiao zhu (1993)
  47.《赌城大亨II之至尊无敌》Do sing daai hang II ji ji juen mo dik (1992)
  48.《赌城大亨之新哥传奇》Do sing daai hang (1992)
  49.《逃学英雄传》Tao xue ging xiong zhuan (1992)
  50.《鹿鼎记II神龙教》Lu ding ji II zhi shen long jiao (1992)
  51.《女黑侠黄莺》Nu hei xia huang ying (1992)
  52.《喷火女郎》Pen hou nu lang (1992)
  53.《赌侠》Dou hap (1991)
  54.《赢钱专家》Ying qian zhuan jia (1991)
  55.《整蛊专家》Zheng gu zhuan jia (1991)
  56.《监狱不设防》Jian yu bu she fang (1990)
  57.《绝桥智多星》Jue qiao zhi duo xing (1990)
  58.《惊天十二小时》Jing tian shi er xiao shi (1990)
  59.《赌神》Du shen (1989)
  60.《至尊无上》Zhi zun wu shang (1989)
  61.《专钓大鳄》Juen diu daai ngok (1989)
  62.《精装追女仔之3狼之一族》Lang zhi yi zu (1989)
  63.《最佳损友闯情关》Zui jia sun you chuang qing guan (1989)
  64.《神勇双妹唛》Shen yong shuang mei mai (1989)
  65.《鬼沟人》Gui gou ren (1989)
  66.《最佳损友》Zui jia sun you (1988)
  67.《撞邪先生》Chuang xie xian sheng (1988)
  68.《精装追女仔之二》Jing zhuong zhui nu zi zhi er (1988)
  69.《求爱敢死队》Qiu ai gan si dui (1988)
  70.《精装追女仔》Cheng chong chui lui chai (1987)
  71.《烂赌英雄》Lan du ying xiong (1987)
  72.《魔翡翠》Magic crystal (1986)
  73.《鬼马飞人》Gui ma fei ren (1985)
  74.《摩登仙履奇缘》Mo deng xian lu qi yuan (1985)
  75.《青蛙王子》Ching wa wong ji (1984)
  76.《我爱罗兰度》Wo ai Luo Landu (1984)
  77.《猎魔者》Mercenaries from Hong Kong (1983)
  78.《贼王之王》Chaak wong ji wong (1982)
  79.《千王斗千霸》Qian wang dou qian ba (1981)

  《神灯阿拉甲》 Twins(阿娇、阿sa)、古天乐、曾志伟加盟 
  《美丽密令》蔡卓妍 吴君如 谢娜 陆毅 陈伟霆
  《未来警察》刘德华 大S 徐娇 贺军翔 孟瑶 罗家英
  《撕票风云》任达华 苗侨伟 陈法拉 王浩信 高雄 王子涵 黄德斌 安志杰
  《大内密探零零狗》 古天乐 大S 吴君如 佟大为 宋佳 林子聪
  《求爱上上签》刘嘉玲 梁家辉 朱茵 张柏芝 许志安 陈冠希
  《黑白森林》黄秋生 陈小春 黄浩然 钟欣桐 杜汶泽 谢贤 刘青云 吴镇宇
  《绝种好男人》任贤齐 张柏芝 王天林
  《神勇铁金刚》梁家辉 陈小春 余安安 钟欣桐 杜汶泽 徐锦江 葛民辉
  《黑马王子》刘德华 李嘉欣 张家辉 叶德娴
  《运财至叻星》陈百祥 袁咏仪 钟丽缇 王敏德 罗家英
  《洪兴仔之江湖大风暴》梁朝伟 陈小春 李若彤
  《港督最后一个保镖》邱淑贞 葛民辉
  《不道德的礼物》邱淑贞 郑伊健 江华
  《偷偷爱你》梁朝伟 邱淑贞 葛民辉
  《赌圣2街头赌圣》葛民辉 邱淑贞 吴孟达
  《鼠胆龙威》李连杰 张学友 邱淑贞 杨采妮 午马
  《大冒险家》刘德华 吴倩莲
  《九品芝麻官》周星驰 吴孟达 徐锦江 张敏 钟丽缇 蔡少芬
  《整蛊专家》周星驰 刘德华 吴孟达 关之琳 邱淑贞 王晶 李子雄
  《新少林五祖》李连杰 邱淑贞 叶德娴 陈松勇
  《恋爱的天空》邱淑贞 吴君如 吴家丽 钟丽缇
  《赌神2》周润发 梁家辉 邱淑贞 吴倩莲 吴兴国 谢苗
  《新英雄本色》郑伊健 邱淑贞 刘青云 王敏德
  《新边缘人》梁朝伟 梁家辉 张学友
  《倚天屠龙记》李连杰 邱淑贞 张敏 洪金宝 吴耀汉 黎姿 吴镇宇 梁家仁
  《城市猎人》成龙 黎明 邱淑贞 王祖贤
  《超级学校霸王》刘德华 张学友 张卫健 邱淑贞 任达华 郑伊健 杨采妮 刘小慧 许志安 郭富城
  《逃学威龙3之龙过鸡年》周星驰 梅艳芳 张敏 陈百祥 黄秋生
  《黄飞鸿之铁鸡斗蜈蚣》李连杰 张敏 张卫健 梁家仁 袁咏仪
  《笑侠楚留香》郭富城 邱淑贞 温兆伦 袁咏仪 张敏
  《鹿鼎记》周星驰 吴孟达 张敏 温兆伦 邱淑贞 徐锦江 刘松仁
  《鹿鼎记2之神龙教》周星驰 林青霞 邱淑贞 李嘉欣 温兆伦 刘松仁
  《千王之王2000》周星驰 张家辉 吴君如 林熙蕾 关秀媚 王晶
  《上海滩赌圣》周星驰 巩俐 吴孟达 吴君如 吕良伟 向华强
  《最佳男朋友》刘德华 林子祥 郑裕玲 吴大维
  《赌神》周润发 刘德华 王祖贤 张敏 向华强
  《精装追女仔》周润发 张曼玉 曾志伟 陈百祥 冯淬帆
  《魔翡翠》刘德华 王晶 莫少聪
  《贼王之王》汪禹 谢贤 陈观泰 陈惠敏 麦德罗 王晶
  《猎魔者》狄龙 汪禹 陈惠敏 余安安 王龙威 陈百祥
  《千王斗千霸》汪禹 谢贤 陈观泰 黄杏秀 黄锦燊

full list here :

wah lao, guiness record liao?

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agree... :thumbsup:

but a pity many of his shows were dubbed in Chinese in this island... and many of the jokes got lost...

He produces cheesy cheesy cheesy crap. IMHO. :thumbsd:

I love those that he cooperated with Stephen Chow. Probably Wang was the one who brought him fame.


Damn classic...lame but funny movies...unlike many recent lame movies, are well...just lame...

not to mention, movies like 《满清十大酷刑》 are my fav too:devil::lovegrin:

heard that he is one big womaniser who pray on the actresses.

I love those that he cooperated with Stephen Chow. Probably Wang was the one who brought him fame.


Damn classic...lame but funny movies...unlike many recent lame movies, are well...just lame...

not to mention, movies like 《满清十大酷刑》 are my fav too:devil::lovegrin:

he made lot of people famous. andy lau, stephen chow, amy yip lol...and etc...

heard that he is one big womaniser who pray on the actresses.

this is more like facts bah...haha...he is the typical tee-gor director who entice actresses to get a role in his movies for a favour...:bsmilie:

Never his fan...but no choice...watched a bundle of them as not many other choices during those time :sweatsm:

his show some are good some are craps, but cannot deny what he did for hong kong movies industries.

I can still remember one of his products 賭神 is very good. Have seen it quite a number of times, and still a classic!

The rest are just comedies that are just watch-and-forget movies. :sweat:

Good stress reliever :bsmilie:

I love those that he cooperated with Stephen Chow. Probably Wang was the one who brought him fame.


Damn classic...lame but funny movies...unlike many recent lame movies, are well...just lame...

not to mention, movies like 《满清十大酷刑》 are my fav too:devil::lovegrin:

i like stephen chow!!! :thumbsup:

alot of people might think he is low-classed , cheapskate movie-makers or ra movie-makers
but i still think some of his movies not bad , some of the ideas quite creative and entertaining too ,
I rated him much much better than , 王家卫. ( damn boring movies filmed by him )

I am 王晶 fan
! ! !



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