Anna, Leslie, Daneilla

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Aug 3, 2006

Are are some photographs that i took over the week. CnC is very welcomed n desired.








rest are here

Thanks for viewing

Pretty good, bro. :) I like #1 and #2.

#2 subject is in the middle of the picture which kinda looks dull to me, beside the color..

maybe can try different angle ? do u have shots from different angle on the post on #2 ?

I generally like no. 1. However, I do not like the way the picture was DI'ed. We need the model, which is the focal point of the picture, to stand out more vs the background and foreground. Right now, the railings are a mess.

Nice swim suit ...:heart: Pic 2 ...

Pretty good, bro. :) I like #1 and #2.

Thank leejay :)

#2 subject is in the middle of the picture which kinda looks dull to me, beside the color..

maybe can try different angle ? do u have shots from different angle on the post on #2 ?

Hi desaintlights, hmm, I think i have some, but i didn't like how it turned out. i didn't think i have many shots of her that i really liked. oh well (i didn't have much time with her also)

I generally like no. 1. However, I do not like the way the picture was DI'ed. We need the model, which is the focal point of the picture, to stand out more vs the background and foreground. Right now, the railings are a mess.

Thanks Deadpoet. would you think a tighter crop would work?

Nice swim suit ...:heart: Pic 2 ...

heh, that swimsuits really brings out the figure

A few more.

I would like to hear what you guys feel about this. Thanks





Thanks again

#3 is really nice... maybe try upclose abit more cus somehow her lower part of body seem distracting cus got cut off. but i love it. one of those better series here and excellent light control!

I like #4.... nice pose & lighting control.. :)

thanks Anson

#3 is really nice... maybe try upclose abit more cus somehow her lower part of body seem distracting cus got cut off. but i love it. one of those better series here and excellent light control!

Thank you for your kind words. Maybe i'll try to crop it. thanks~



I would like to seek opinion on this image. Does it work? or not?

picture #6 is weird in lighting, can't say is underexposed for me but not so comfortable once I see it longer.:nono: pictures #4 and #5 gets my votes :thumbsup:, can i ask what lens you uses for that two?? :think:

Definitely works for me. Wow!!!

thanks roentarre, glad u liked it

picture #6 is weird in lighting, can't say is underexposed for me but not so comfortable once I see it longer.:nono: pictures #4 and #5 gets my votes :thumbsup:, can i ask what lens you uses for that two?? :think:

Hi, Fuhyea. thanks for taking the time to comment.
well, it 'was' unintentionally underexposed. I was shooting in M mode. and we changed locations.. so that was the first shot after the change, so it's metered for the 'shade'. Decided that it was interesting enough for me to keep it. so that's that.

#4 is 85mm f1.8.
#5 is 24-70

Both taken on FF.

This is where having great models makes such a great difference! Nice shots.

I generally like no. 1. However, I do not like the way the picture was DI'ed. We need the model, which is the focal point of the picture, to stand out more vs the background and foreground. Right now, the railings are a mess.

Hi Deadpoet,
my friend, someone misused your images for Singaporean Model Jenna Chan nude shots ! better ask him to remove, fast .

here today,

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