7D 8fps - suitable card


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
so it seems Sandisk extreme IV is no longer in production. What's left is the Ultra (30MB/s) vs plain Extreme (60MB/s).

have other 7D users attempted Ultra with 8fps? how's tje performance?

I'm using the Extreme III (30MB/s). Same speed as Ultra. No problem with it.

I use Kingston Elite Pro 133X (Reads up to 25MB/sec. Writes up to 20MB/sec) and it works fine using high speed continous shooting. Average burst of 25 shots at 1/30s shutter speed.
For the old Extreme III (30MB/sec.), I also get an average of 25 shots at 1/30s shutter speed.
For the standard Kingston CF, Average burst is also 25 sots at 1/30s shutter speed.

The CF cards performs equally under high speed continous shooting. I think the advantage of getting higher bandwidth CF cards is when downloading data from the CF card to a PC rather than writing from the camera to the CF card. However, what I have not measured is the time when the camera writes the whole chunk of burst data into the CF Card.


i got this from IT show just now. From simple testing i get 20 frames for this 30MB/s card.
ok from additional attempts in lower light it seems the average is around 12-14 frames. This holds true even for the old Extreme IV 45MB/s card.

sorry for the total noob and dumb question, but having a faster SD card obviously helps you shoot more frames / second, but are there any other major advantages (conversely disadvantages w/slower SD?)

@agoodfella: you can copy out the photo files to computer faster. as card size gets bigger and bigger, the wait time gets longer and longer.

Because of the large resolution, the memory card speeds have barely anything to do with the max burst at all.

Even the fastest card can only write 2-3 images to the card per second.

The max burst is mostly because of the buffer in cam than the memory card itself.

You have a point there. i did not even bother to check the avg file size after my colleague handed the 7D to me. It's around 24/25MB. That's like slight more than 1 photo per second. :-/