Pentaxians Aug 2011 Outing - pls share your photos here...

Muscin: Your photos look really soft and flat. How are you PPing?

Muscin: Your photos look really soft and flat. How are you PPing?

Did not do much PP because I am not familiar, only some adjustment for level and contrast.
I shot -0.3EV
I don't mind if you PP mine and show me.

more contrast

I must say FW's portraits are always Steve McCurry-like; he knows how to approach people, get the natural expressions, and catch the, eh, catchlights!

Thanks Alvin :)

This one doesn't have catchlight, but I kinda like it, especially after I fixed her eyelash ;)


And wow supersimon, your shots are surreal. But please do leave the EXIF intact so we can learn from the shots too. Which wide angle lens did you use? :)

Which photo u referring to ? For Landscape photo , I usually use Av mode and perform Bracket 5 photo with +/- 1.3 Ev with F11 :)

the infamous sigma 8-16.. i have the same lens but i still find it difficult to produce similar "feel" like his photos.

Thanks for the kind comment bro . Guess it just a Style of shooting . I Never achieve good result like you when U use 8-16mm to shoot model too .

ah...I know what you mean. The same setup in the hands of a master is so different. I always know its not my camera taking the bad pictures...its the cameraman..:sweat:

No master here . Still learning new stuff every now and then :)

I think you have used this lens for so many shots that you have developed a natural eye for it. Wonderful shots with this lens. I'm really inspired to use my UWA for more than just landscapes.

Thanks Jk for yr encouragement once again :)

The takumar rendering is really something... Makes me want to try!

Thanks Alvin :)

This one doesn't have catchlight, but I kinda like it, especially after I fixed her eyelash ;)

the shop owner is too busy to even bother with you molesting her mannequin ...:bsmilie:


Lovely shots, well composed and facinating above all, thru the eye of different pentaxians on the images here.


(EDIT: Edited version of video posted on page 6 of thread)

Finally managed to get this video thing to work. This is my first time working with video so the results aren't too great. Nevertheless, I hope I managed to showcase the enthusiasm and the helpful spirit of the Pentaxian community and our monthly outings. I think you have to click through to Vimeo to watch it in HD, and make sure to put it on full screen too.


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the result is definitely two-thumps-up! in take-compositions, in clarity, in editing, music dubbing... etc.... i'm not in the position to comment in any professional capacity, just a video-layman giving his direct impression.

Finally managed to get this video thing to work. This is my first time working with video so the results aren't too great. Nevertheless, I hope I managed to showcase the enthusiasm and the helpful spirit of the Pentaxian community and our monthly outings. I think you have to click through to Vimeo to watch it in HD, and make sure to put it on full screen too.

Darren, that's just a great video. :thumbsup:
While many of us were busy capturing still images, you've provided a nice record of the easy going and friendly atmosphere of our Pentax monthly outings.
Many thanks for the great effort. :heart:

nice video darren. very nice background music as well. give a kind of relaxing-by-the-beach type of music. must have taken lots of trouble to process i suppose. anyway hope to see more of such videos again. keep up the good work.