Politics in Photo Societies

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Lets not stray into KB and SLCC.

The gossip here is Society politics leh:confused: .

wherever there are people, there will be politics. Now I understand why there are photographers who do not want to align themselves with the society.:think:
I give u 30secs to correct ur answer.

it shld be:-
"...Now I understand why there are SOME photographers who do not want to align themselves with ANY society"

Going to a place (like SLCC that I'd went previously) to learn & pick up skills? Yes, I'll do that. Joining a club, society, group to pick up skills? Yes. Join what membership, vote what council, goto what AGM? All those are pure rubbish. Ego boosting stuff for a little prince/king with a cohort on his own to further his personal agenda (for good or for bad).

I do not understand the history behind the societies. How relevant are they in today's internet age? Any seniors can help to answer?
How relevant in today's internet age?

I guess u'd been 'modernised' to a point where u dun see the basics.

Even though we may be at an internet age, in the future we may be in a space age or nuclear age, whatever age humanity might be. As long as humans exist, there would always be a need to forge a common alliance with a basic underlying purpose to form a society structure.

This is the same as to why countries exists, why is there a need for a Foreign Affairs Ministry for each country to form official/unofficial alliances. Why within countries lies a society at large and many subsets of smaller social groups. If u're looking at a photographic society, its just all but a drop in the bucket for a society at large in general.

Dun get too caught up in all these modern buzzwords lady. There are times when u'll have to refer backwards to move forwards. Like what my former History & Humanities Lecturer always say:-

"To move forward in the future, one must love history."

Yes, LOVE. Humans are strange creatures. Regardless of what we keep saying abt 'equality' and 'openness', the moment we hate something, we will selectively block it off from our line of sight and thought (same as per what I do to Maths). :bsmilie:

BTW, I'm not in any society/club, etc for this matter. All opinions expressed are of self-thought & opinion and in no way I'm in alliance/league with any group/association/society/club for that matter. I'm never a group-person anyway. :bsmilie:

Hmm... Infatuation?

Well, each of us are our own students & teachers I feel. This might seem like an extremely immodest comment but...

"What the teacher teaches are dead, the students bring it to life as with the teacher, with his own teachings. The Teacher is the Student, the student is the teacher. The difference between teacher & student is the wisdom lying between both."

Try to tell that to Student. :bsmilie:

i would think of her (TS) as my Padme Amidala, Queen of Naboo and i, Anakin Skywalker (the one before turning to Dark Force 8}).

This is one outspoken lady...i like it.....

anyway, in short...politices is just everywhere...even in CS! me now better get back to work...offical 8am....

Hang on a minute. You'll never be Anakin Skywalker. You know that.

You are R2D2 another Droid.

But Padme Amidala has a weird taste. You may be in luck. :lovegrin:

If you do not have a heart to serve .. then dont get into it.

But I really admire those that still serving as old guards for the society .. they saw how it grows and they have put in their time to run the show. :thumbsup:

I have followed an old Master before for almost 3 straight years helping him to run sunday outings, I get to shoot last and learnts alots from it .. :sweatsm:

And for no reason, I was enlisted into the youth committee of a Hui Guan .. :dunno: :bsmilie:

i'm back again....taking break from work...hmmmm....this forum is actually about politices in societies...now it seems like a debate forum for camps of that society. As a "pang guan ze", suggest it's better to stick to the topic of this thread for the sake of this society....not to settle old scores....i "sense" some old grudges here...hmmmm :think: .

cheesecake......you have no clue how the system works in Uni? aiyah....even after u graduated, those in the same uni are your juniors mah. have u gradudated a long.....long time ago? lol. cheesecake, don't eat too much cheesecake....it's very unhealthy. :nono:

btw....who is "uncle lim"? u seems to know a lot about the society? of course...i'm not at the agm (were u there?) and neither am i a member (r/were u a member?)...i can't comment much except as a "pang guan ze" of this thread loh.

anyway, everyone of us sure have infatuations :lovegrin: right? so does it bother so much that some people out there are supporting some fellow. okideo....times' up...back to work...ciao!

cheesecake......you have no clue how the system works in Uni? aiyah....even after u graduated, those in the same uni are your juniors mah. have u gradudated a long.....long time ago? lol. cheesecake, don't eat too much cheesecake....it's very unhealthy. :nono:

i think i graduated jus fine and not so long ago like ur fren here, hahahahahahaha.

i like to haf my cake and eat it. and i guess some ppl here do too. dun u? and by the way, healthy or not, i love to eat. u wanna treat me boh?

btw....who is "uncle lim"? u seems to know a lot about the society? of course...i'm not at the agm (were u there?) and neither am i a member (r/were u a member?)...i can't comment much except as a "pang guan ze" of this thread loh.

of cos u weren't there and of cos u're not a member of the said society! u're jus a very very very low profile member mah, right? hahahahahahaha

anyway, everyone of us sure have infatuations :lovegrin: right? so does it bother so much that some people out there are supporting some fellow. okideo....times' up...back to work...ciao!

yes, to the point of worshiping! yes!

yes and pls carry on, our economy needs u to gif it a push! hahahahaha

btw....who is "uncle lim"? u seems to know a lot about the society? of course...i'm not at the agm (were u there?) and neither am i a member (r/were u a member?)...i can't comment much except as a "pang guan ze" of this thread loh.

i don't like this kind of reasoning.

lots of us weren't there, truth-photographer was there as claimed by her. but what gives her all the rights to throw derogatory remarks at the society without proofing her claims? even if she was there her kind of postings speak of bad manners, this is a public forum for goodness sake. truth-photographer may want to call it gossip, but i see it as public bad-mouthing, just like what she did in earlier thread. coupled with the hardselling going on, i believe many members are already starting to suspect the identity of this member.

i would think of her (TS) as my Padme Amidala, Queen of Naboo and i, Anakin Skywalker (the one before turning to Dark Force 8}).

This is one outspoken lady...i like it.....

anyway, in short...politices is just everywhere...even in CS! me now better get back to work...offical 8am....

my intuition tells me something is wrong with your postings as well ...

btw, the way you ask the following question


i cannot help but link this back to the comparison truth-photographer was trying to make in her earlier thread between SLCC and PSS

Well, I'm not new to this forum but I've never really needed an account until now.

I'm in that society, and I've first hand information as to what is going on. If you do not know the whole truth, I think you should not spread gossip and proceed to make untrue statements.

How could those whom you term "returned unopposed" not be holding the respective posts in the first place? In fact, one whom you term "returned unopposed" was not in the original council at all.

"The nomination was thrown open again" because of the above reason. Apparently, there were talks that Lord Sidious fixed the whole list for his own benefit. Well, Truth-Photographer, you should know who the person is. He is the "Lord Sidious who controls it all behind the scenes" people are talking about. If you don't, can you handle the truth?

Is it not fair and square those appointed eventually won by vote counts after nomination was "thrown open" again? If you notice, those who "returned unopposed" lost by quite a fair margin to the eventual vote winners. If they were that popular to be "returned unopposed", would they not win easily?

I somehow get the impression too that Truth-Photographer is under the "force" of Lord Sidious to post all these to stir up emotions. Perhaps trying to create the wave of heated postings in CS 'she' or Lord Sidious so desired. Perhaps Lord Sidious' election plan was foiled and so all these postings. Perhaps the thread starter is Lord Sidious himself.

Guess we'll never know, even so if the name is Truth-Photographer.

wah..getting to sound a bit like "a few good men" liao ;p


You want the TRUTH!!!


my intuition tells me something is wrong with your postings as well ...

btw, the way you ask the following question


i cannot help but link this back to the comparison truth-photographer was trying to make in her earlier thread between SLCC and PSS

holy cow!

truth-photographer part 2!

holy cow!

truth-photographer part 2!

I was at a photograpic competition and I overheard this 'They gaive chance because he is "the chairman of the XXXXX photographic club"

POLITIC IS EVERYWHERE! NO choice this is where we live and that is why we are a member of clubsnap! Agree?

Yappy & happy

truth-photographer said:
He refused to tell us his reasons no matter how we squeeze him and we respect him. His loyalty is something else which gain our respect for him.

From the way you keep talking and praising about your guru, so who is he to you? You seem to know his guru for a long time though you just merely attend his lessons. Have you fall in love with him already??!!! :bsmilie:

truth-photographer said:
well well well. No doubt it is better off for my guru to FINALLY heed our advice and start off on his own. At least he organise things without much restriction. i can hardly imagine how can things can get started when there are more than 10 decision makers! Worst if the Council cannot compromise.

Life is short. Work hard and play hard, and not play politics hard. Read the annual report and there is a slight dip in membership.

By the way, you mentioned he started his own school! Congrat to your guru:) But why said he organises things without much restriction in the new school?!! Did that society bully him and really restricted him alot?? That I didnt really know that........ all I heard was that he runs a lot of activities in the society like a king. Wants wind got wind, wants rain got rain leh :dunno: He involved in a lot of classes and activities, I believe he must be earning more than the rest of the instructors there :bsmilie:

It is good that he runs his own business, I believe he knows well in business / company policies in Singapore, or else he will not be so daring to open his own school. Your guru may or may not know what I mean ;)

You want the TRUTH!!!


Classic sidelighting shot!!!

Damn, I just love the expression on Jack Nicholson's face! :thumbsup:

Hey, how'd you get my picture? Yah, the picture captured my better side. :bsmilie:

Once again, this is kopitiam gossip. Me very sleepy now. Shall be off to Langkawi. My gossip shall stop here. Lets end the thread since it is going a bit off track.

The concluding liner is where there are people, there will be politics.

I'll miss reading truth-photographer's defence, oops, I mean posts. ;)

oh! convenient escape! the last we'll hear from u, won't it be?

Please come back fast from Langkawi, truth-photographer. What'll we all do for weekend entertainment? I'll try to make the truth easier to swallow. I won't use that line I used in the film. ;)

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