X-Pro 1 User Group

Will getting a LCD shade or vf eyecup solve the problem? Anyone tried?

tried using a LCD hood before on my previous Leica X1, didn't help much. don't know about the vf eyecup though, but doubtful that it will be of any benefit.

From what you guys describe, it may just be a issue of metering on the wrong place.
Especially when using multi area.

Spot meter for the subject and it should be fine, both the evf and final picture.

From what you guys describe, it may just be a issue of metering on the wrong place.
Especially when using multi area.

Spot meter for the subject and it should be fine, both the evf and final picture.

The EVF will need time to adjust as you find the neutral spot to meter. It has limitations if the subject is small compare to the bright background. A very steady hand is required to hold the spot there. And our eyes will take time to readjust to the brightness. All this could be subjective as I wear a progressive glass with transition that darkens itself when the background is bright, but the OVF overcome all this problem for me at least.

Another gripe is the EV compensation dial, it is easy to accidently dial it out of neutral.
Anyway to tighten it?

firmware update release seems to have been postponed.

Fuji Rumors

"Today’s scheduled Fujifilm X-Mount camera and lens firmware update would have been a great opportunity for an X-PERT CORNER article with some practical tips for updating your gear. Alas, the update has been postponed in order to address another glitch. Hopefully, we’ll see the update soon and can cover it in next week’s edition of this column."

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I think Fuji servers are choking... only manage to download XF35 firmware but not the x-pro1's.

thanks guys for the heads-up!

sadly no focus peaking. looks like we're not gonna have it till probably the next generation. AF seems to be a lot faster though.

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yrh0413 said:
Haih... No minimum shutter speed on auto ISO also =(

Yah boy..

This is damn sickening..

yrh0413 said:
I think Fuji servers are choking... only manage to download XF35 firmware but not the x-pro1's.

thanks guys for the heads-up!

Downloaded. AF is slower in low light, but no hunting and if lock the focus point accurately

genstars said:
Downloaded. AF is slower in low light, but no hunting and if lock the focus point accurately

In low light. Sometimes still can't lock on d first few tries. Depending on d focus surface. But AF does improves in terms of speed.

for anyone keen with architecture photography, this is welcome news:

New Tilt Shift Adapter Coming From Kipon

it's already available in eBay, albeit a bit expensive at us$300+ for now. hope the price drops soon and a few competitors like Fotga joins the fray.

searched Bay and found these links:
Turn 360° Kipon Tilt Shift Adapter for Nikon F Lens to Fujifilm Fuji x Pro1 | eBay

Kipon Tilt and Shift Adapter for Nikon F Mount Lens to Fuji x Pro1 x E1 Camera | eBay

available for other camera brands too.

am seriously considering as i still have a couple of old wide Nikon lenses lying around.