X-Pro 1 User Group

Question from a xp1 noob. In OVF, i notice the frame moves around after focusing. However, its not very accurate and caused shots to have unwanted or lost object. How do you guys get around this?

Question from a xp1 noob. In OVF, i notice the frame moves around after focusing. However, its not very accurate and caused shots to have unwanted or lost object. How do you guys get around this?

The frame moves after AF to give you a rough estimate of how much of the scene as viewed from OVF will actually be captured depending on focus distance. Its accuracy is only roughly 90% or so, again depending on focused distance. This is a trait inherited from view cameras i.e. rangefinders.
Suggest you turn on "corrected AF frame" to better gauge focus distance.

How to get around this? Practice.

Which metering you guys used the most?

I find the average mode tend to underexposed.
I came from X100 and its multi mode is always overexposed, so need to compensate -2/3 ev.

But in this Xpro1 system haven't got the feel of which meter mode with correct exposure, but once the exposure right, love the color. Leica like color, very stunning!

longj49 said:
nope, mine is as minty as the day it was born 6 months ago. i take extreme care of all my gear.

Any dust speck trapped inside your OVF?

Any dust speck trapped inside your OVF?

mine has.
bit of paint chipped off the hot-shoe, and some paint peeling off the lens release button. funny cos i only have 1 lens and rarely take it out.

rko said:
Question from a xp1 noob. In OVF, i notice the frame moves around after focusing. However, its not very accurate and caused shots to have unwanted or lost object. How do you guys get around this?

If framing is critical, I just switch to EVF.

Otherwise I just use the OVF,after awhile you should get a hang of how it frame.
Normally it is showing lesser than what is going to be captured. Same with most view cameras

gunston said:
Any dust speck trapped inside your OVF?

none so far in mine.

Question from a xp1 noob. In OVF, i notice the frame moves around after focusing. However, its not very accurate and caused shots to have unwanted or lost object. How do you guys get around this?

The frame is pretty accurate when I shoot at infinity. For close-up and critical focus I usually switch to EVF and continue shooting.

I only use OVF if I care less about the background, or when the subject occupies majority of the composition.

cks2k2 said:
mine has.
bit of paint chipped off the hot-shoe, and some paint peeling off the lens release button. funny cos i only have 1 lens and rarely take it out.

Me too, and minor scratches here and there
I find the paint coating is very thin caused the drop

gunston said:
Me too, and minor scratches here and there
I find the paint coating is very thin caused the drop

Seriously. Anyone thinking of brushing d paint off n make it bare? Should b quite unique n sexy.

Thoth said:
Seriously. Anyone thinking of brushing d paint off n make it bare? Should b quite unique n sexy.

Someone did it in the forum already.

gunston said:
Someone did it in the forum already.

Awesome. Will check it out.

The paint of X-Pro1 drops off more easily. The paint of the X-E1 seems better in quality and will take more efforts to make it bare.

The paint of X-Pro1 drops off more easily. The paint of the X-E1 seems better in quality and will take more efforts to make it bare.

U tried? ;p

My previous X-Pro1 had 1-2 very small spot - very very small but visible if you take note. Checked out a few set at MScolor (brought friend to buy) and a few of the sets have similar issue.

X-E1 paint is more even and feels higher in quality, can't find any spots when I bought mine.

Anyway, friend set of X-Pro1 has a paint drop near the edge after 3 months of use. Mainly rough use.

U tried? ;p

Wondering if i use a 52 to 55mm ring adaptor, will i still be able to fit the lenshood? Got some spare filter lying around thinking of making use of it

Just found out cannot ....

But use it for polarizer. However found that polarizer dont work quite well .....nothing much happen with the evf, anybody experienced this.

Wondering if i use a 52 to 55mm ring adaptor, will i still be able to fit the lenshood? Got some spare filter lying around thinking of making use of it

It won't fit, the metal hood has an inner diameter large enough to fit only 52mm filters.

Just found out cannot ....

But use it for polarizer. However found that polarizer dont work quite well .....nothing much happen with the evf, anybody experienced this.

Aim your Cir-PL to your LCD monitor, turn the filter and you will see your monitor going black. It works.

To bros who r new to xp1.. Just found out the evf and lcd screen brightness level can be adjusted independently. I have the xp1 for few already and normally I use ovf and lcd to frame the shots.. But today was using macro mode and found the evf kind of dark until I toggle with the settings.