Why do you NOT want a DSLR?

Why do you NOT want a DSLR?

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If price is not an issue, the person is not interested in photography..... !!!
Many many people I know do not use a DSLR for the following reasons (including me):
-Loud shutter noise(Bad for street shooting):The rangefinders own at this
-Too bulky(Bad for street and not good for neck/back):The rangefinders own at this again
-Vibration from mirror slap(Bad for low-light and night photography):The rangefinders own at this yet again
-Low resolution/sensor size compared to film(medium/large) format, colours not as crazy as Velvia, low contrast BnW compared to most BnW films.
-Does not force you to think before shooting compared to film photography where you know that every shot must be a "kill"

Cant bring the SLR to club to take those clubbing photos haha

Because point and shoot is only less than 2 generations behind in terms of quality and performances.

Because I can get Sigma DP2 to do portraits, Panasonic LX3 for general photography and Canon G10 to wow newbies with its gimicky.

Because if I want very high quality, I'll be shooting Hasselblad 645 or 67 (medium format) for portraits and Sinar (Large format) for Landscapes and Architecture.

Because shooting in film is like pay per use. If I'm not shooting, I don't have to worry that my cameras will going down into being obsolete- what depreciation are we talking about?

Because of the insane resolution by large format that even the highest end DSLR cannot provide and that by using the former, I don't need to invest in tilt shift lenses to tweak my perspectives.

Because I not just have a digital darkroom to play- I have a real darkroom to play too.

Because of the colour depth, tonal graduation and 3 dimensional feel of films, I'll pass DSLR.

Because when I bring out my M/F format, people just get out of my way and equipment snobs and wannabes suddenly shy away.

Because my subjects like it big.

All I need is some good point and shoots and leave the intensely serious stuff for M/L formats.

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The moment you invest in a DSLR, the deadly BBB virus starts attacking.

The moment you invest in a DSLR, the deadly BBB virus starts attacking.

Agree with Diavonex. Plus the main reason is the RIDICULOUSLY overly high prices of DSLR and all its accessories, compared with the very much cheaper cost of goods due to the limited exclusive oligopoly held by the big 2 companies (The Big C and the Big N)...

Hopefully Panasonic's micro 4/3 can penetrate and introduce further lenses to break into the market and reduce prices.

big dslr like very dian type, kerna scorn as pro though just a hobbyst, buy small leica too ex, bo liu, worse kerna suan being a snob, buy cheaper canon/nikon RF kerna looked down, best don't buy any camera. too much negative baggage whahahahhaah

BBB virus can attack but you also can resist one... But if your force is weak.. then, jialat!!! :bsmilie:

I don't see how you can maximise the full potential of a DSLR with just the kit lens.

too bulky:sweat:

I don't see how you can maximise the full potential of a DSLR with just the kit lens.

Well.... if the kit lens is not good enough for you, then, it is up to you to decide if you should get a DSLR or not.

I started out with kit lens and moved on from there.... I think photography is a long term hobby and you grow your system as you develop your skills, and well, I started out with film and fortunately, color was not so much of an issue then......

Digital sensor is more sensitive to type of lens used I suppose, but still, a DSLR itself allow you to explore the various different type of shooting style and it is up to the photographer that is limiting the skills development.

Some will think it is the lens that limit their skills, some think it is the camera body.... In this forum, I feel..... there are more lens collectors and people who like to show others what equipments that they own than their photos....

A real hobbyist/ photographer call would be advising you to get DSLR, start out with the kits lens and develop your skills and grow your system on a you can afford basis.... a kit lens now seems like a rubbish that cannot take any picture at all??? How pathetic.....

A kit lens color is definitely not as rich as a L and to suggest that the kit cannot take decent picture is rubbish. It is the man behind the camera. Well.... I think I should give up on this debate, as not many will understand what I have said anyway.

Having been away from here for a long time... so much have changed here.

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I don't see how you can maximise the full potential of a DSLR with just the kit lens.

kit lens is still capable of producing quality shots if you can work within its limits.

Only reason i can think of is if i give up dslr for slr...
Dunno if thats counted.

And yes you can take quality shots with the kit lens. But i say this only if the kit lens is the nikon 18 - 70 F3.5 - 4.5
Because i've used it and it is a very decent lens.

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