which browser do people use?


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2012
I am using a wide gamut monitor (dell) and calibrate using colormunki.

I am surprised that I cannot match what I see on my IE vs photoshop even after converting it to jpeg sRGB.

People says that IE is does not use monitor profiles... IS that true?

Currently the only way out was to include convert to sRGB and include color profile. In that case, Chrome and firefox seems to display correctly.

IS there something I do wrong or is it a problem of IE? kind of irritated if IE cannot display colors correctly as that is what most people use.

Or is a just a problem if we use monitor profiles/calibration and the average user who does not calibrate and uses IE will still see the colors OK.

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thanks for the link.

For both IE and Chrome, the tagged rollovers are consistent BUT different. IE consistently shows a more saturated pic vs what I see in photoshop. Chrome's rendition for the tagged jpegs are close to what I see in PS. Both IE and Chrome renders untagged files almost the same way, with the untagged aRGB looking the most natural (consistent with what the article says about using wide gamut monitors)

The problem is that the tutorial recommends that we convert to sRGB and untagged the files. When that happens, both IE and Chrome display the untagged sRGB jpegs the same way but it is more saturated that what I see in PS. So basically anyone with a wide gamut calibrated monitor like me will be seeing the wrong colors.

If I convert to sRGB and tagged the profile, chrome displays it correctly but IE still displays the over saturated version. Is there a way to force IE to display correctly.

From the looks of things, shouldn't we upload jpegs in sRGB with tagged profile since although IE still gets it wrong, chrome and firefox will get it correct. Why did the author recommends untagging the profiles? If you untagged the profiles, anyone with a wide gamut calibrated monitor will be seeing the colors wrong (more saturated)

edit: the author explains the reasons for not tagging profile which I think is not really justified. I don't see much downside to actually tagging a sRGB jpeg.

Also IE displays sRGB tagged and untagged identically although I am using wide-gamut monitors and I suspect that IE does not read in monitor profiles.

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on further research it seems that IE does not recognize Monitor profiles which is amazing.

So basically anyone with a wide gamut monitor with a calibrated profile will display images that are too saturated in IE. This is basically a very old problem found in 2011. I can't seem to find any solution on the web but I suspect that microsoft should have solved this...

Anyone has any solution? Is there a setting somewhere that can get IE to recognize my colormunki profile?