WFT-E4 Transfer Speed?

You mentioned about transferring images to a USB device... Could you tell me how long does it take to transfer say, 8gb of raws? Would I be able to transfer a whole folder from the CF to say, a USB HDD?

Hi, I did not test the speed on transfering 8 gig raws to HDD through the WFT device. It is also not stated in the specification in the canon web. I asuumed it will be the same speed as what we transfer to our system using USB 2.0.

For your 2nd question, I will try to confirm tonight. My workflow normally transfer file by file to hdd. Did not transfer whole folder.

Cool... will wait... Thanks.
Hi, I did not test the speed on transfering 8 gig raws to HDD through the WFT device. It is also not stated in the specification in the canon web. I asuumed it will be the same speed as what we transfer to our system using USB 2.0.

For your 2nd question, I will try to confirm tonight. My workflow normally transfer file by file to hdd. Did not transfer whole folder.