Weddings by SHAPES

even though ur pictures are sharp.....i do find your shots more towards candid .... you need to have better composition or create a concept to it, else its no difference frm any pictures

even though ur pictures are sharp.....i do find your shots more towards candid .... you need to have better composition or create a concept to it, else its no difference frm any pictures

Can you elaborate more on which images you are referring to? I'd like to know where you are coming from...


even though ur pictures are sharp.....i do find your shots more towards candid .... you need to have better composition or create a concept to it, else its no difference frm any pictures

Hi aaSKaa,

Thanks for your comment. I would say my photography is more towards natural posing and candids. I prefer to capture subjects when they are the most natural / relax self and not asking them to pose to make them behave / become something else which is just not them.

I would like to find out in your view, what you mean in better composition and create a concept? and how can I make it outstanding? If you can give me a few pointers that will be great.


Hi aaSKaa,

Thanks for your comment. I would say my photography is more towards natural posing and candids. I prefer to capture subjects when they are the most natural / relax self and not asking them to pose to make them behave / become something else which is just not them.

I would like to find out in your view, what you mean in better composition and create a concept? and how can I make it outstanding? If you can give me a few pointers that will be great.


Natural pose depends on photographer skills to make the couple as comfy as possible.....they may not even know that tons of pics have been taken during the process of communicating with them..

Candids are good but it has too be meaningful not just by snapping happily else we are no different from anyone who shoots freely.

Common Criterias to group your pictures.

01. Getting Ready

02. Ceremony

03. Reception

04. Humor

05. Kids

06. Food & Drinks

07. Creative Portrait of Bridal Party

Even if you manage to get pictures within the criteria, next will be how creative you can get.........

Do compare your outputs to some of the guys here : you will have a benchmark where you are now .........Will03, Benjamin3, kevin then, chris pullum, joa carlos..........

apologise if any of my words hurt your pride............cheers.

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Natural pose depends on photographer skills to make the couple as comfy as possible.....they may not even know that tons of pics have been taken during the process of communicating with them..

Candids are good but it has too be meaningful not just by snapping happily else we are no different from anyone who shoots freely.

Common Criterias to group your pictures.

01. Getting Ready

02. Ceremony

03. Reception

04. Humor

05. Kids

06. Food & Drinks

07. Creative Portrait of Bridal Party

Even if you manage to get pictures within the criteria, next will be how creative you can get.........

Do compare your outputs to some of the guys here : you will have a benchmark where you are now .........Will03, Benjamin3, kevin then, chris pullum, joa carlos..........

apologise if any of my words hurt your pride............cheers.

Hi aaSKaa,

I miss out a few words in my earlier post .. what I mean is "not asking them to pose TOO MUCH to make them behave / become something else which is just not them." which probably explains your reply.

Thanks for your feedback. It got me thinking abit there :D
No worries, no hard feelings about your comments. Everyone has it own unique perspective to any subject.

Of course happily snapping away will make no difference from others. Which is why understanding composition, lighting and your equipment is very important for a photoshoot. Its a never ending learning process, and I am learning as I go.

Yes having a theme for the project is important, creativity and your own personnel style will differentiate you from others. But in my point of view, having a common criteria like "Getting Ready" and "Ceremony" for my genre that I am shooting (eg: events and pre-wedding) makes no sense unless you are selling stock photos or working on a specific criteria for a specific project (like cannon marathon for example). *Just my two cents worth.

I did a search of CS members you mentioned and I only manage to only find will03. Are you sure the rest of them exist?

Benjamin3 exist ....... the rest ..... are not local.

all the above criteria are for wedding shots ........ its how one interpret and execute them.

Good luck

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