Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Fled Kiev, Protesters Gained Control

Pressure and Intimidation Sweep Crimea Ahead of Secession Vote

After the fake referendum, Putin will wave it in front of Obama as a justification to annex Crimea.

The message to all the other small European countries having some ethnic Russians in their populations & sharing a border with Russia, is:

You Are Next.

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Highly advanced and sophisticated Gaz VPK-233114 Tiger-M (MKTK REI PP) Infantry Mobility Vehicle (IMV) equipped with very sensitive Leer-2 Mobile Electronic Warfare (MEW) system seen in service with the ragtag "Crimea Self-Defence Force (CSDF)".

International leading MainStream Media (MSM) just reported the Russian had began a forced invasion into Ukrainian mainland with the objective of securing its natural gas pipeline infrastructure at Strilkove along the Arabat Spit and perhaps more. Photos here.

cartoon credit:

the wimp pretending to be international policeman unable to stop putin


cartoon credit:

the wimp pretending to be international policeman unable to stop putin


The US is already bankrupted by years of war started by Bush :(
Obama inherited a bankrupted country.
Money = power.
No money = no power.

The ethnic Russians of Crimea mistakenly think that life will be better for them after Crimea is annexed.
They are sorely mistaken.
Putin is interested only in the territory of Crimea - not the welfare of the ethnic Russians in Crimea.

Ethnic Russians in Crimea are looking at Russia with rose tinted glasses.
But after they have been annexed, ethnic Russians in Crimea will find out the harsh reality of life under Russian rule.
The worst thing is that they cannot undo the annexation. They can get in to Russia but they cannot get out.

Putin has permanently damaged relations with Ukraine which will now stick firmly with Europe.
Now Ukrainians will hate Russia.
There is no Undo button.

Most of the ethnic Russians would have left Ukraine and joined Russia after Crimea is annexed.
It is actually easier for Ukraine government to win elections in future.
Ukraine must join NATO to protect itself. There is no choice.

Because of this annexation, no other country will trust Russia. Not even PRC.

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Russia will get Crimea and possibly eastern Ukraine - and there is nothing anyone can do about it. The West will get the rest of Ukraine. Ukraine is effectively partitioned by the big boys who get a bit of what they want - at the expense of the Ukrainians.

Actually no.
I never bother to quarrel. I only address the topic strictly and never attack other forum members.
Just ignore the trolls. The trolls look for quarrels because this is what they live for.

No, your problem is that you have absolutely no knowledge of the history and why Ukraine is as such. You are ignorant, and you have not the guts to admit it. Your use of Hitler and such is further proof of that. Pathetic.

You can pretend I am a troll all you want, but nothing will change that you are just some silly fool who craves some silly cause to cling to. No worse than some of the idiots on FoxNews.

And Oh by the Way, China is doing in Tibet the same bloody rubbish Stalin and past Russian rulers used to do in Ukraine; Han-nizing the place by introducing Han chinese to overwhelm the natives. China is also engaging in a lot of posturing in South China sea vis a vis against Vietnam and Philippines. So obviously they don't want call the world's attention to their imperialistic misdeeds too.

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Russia will get Crimea and possibly eastern Ukraine - and there is nothing anyone can do about it. The West will get the rest of Ukraine. Ukraine is effectively partitioned by the big boys who get a bit of what they want - at the expense of the Ukrainians.
From Russia's strategic point of view, it's justifiable. A good chunk of Ukraine's industry used to support the Russian arms industry. From Rockets to planes etc. Regaining back those industries or the industrial capability is a defense priority.

Remove those industries, and Ukraine is nothing but an agricultural/food state with a sprinkling of maybe an IT industry. That is what Ukraine stands to lose. THose industries are noncompetitive because they generally served the Soviet Union's huge arms industry (that occupied some 20%-50% of the economy, which is why the Soviet Union went down the shitter when they disintegrated) and retooling them to do other things is not easy and demands lots of money.

The Eastern chunk of the country has always been fundamentally Russian, and Russia bled lots of blood to regain those territories during WWII. Which country will abide by that? Heck, the United States got into a civil war over the South because of Slavery and because it would not abide separatism anyway. The Western territories (Lviv etc.) were added on by Stalin and they were generally Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian (and maybe German) in character and Poles have always been horrible at being oppressed anyway.

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Oh dear, the Russians LAUGH at Obama's sanctions and they make it a point to say so to international newspapers.

In response to an armed invasion and annexation of a sovereign country, USA & EU impose sanctions on 21 persons?

• Freeze their assets? But you told them 1 month in advance and they got plenty of time to shift their bank account assets to other countries. e.g. to Singapore or Hong Kong or back to Russia. Those who don't have US and EU bank accounts need not bother.

• Travel bans? Russian oligarchs are billionaires. They can travel to Asia, Africa, South America, etc.... Or just stay in Russia which is big enough.


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This conflict gives us a lot of food for thought..
We have always relied on bigger countries coming to our rescue in case of a real invasion. We may have to consider that these big boys are too impotent to come to help us drive out any invaders.

Stephen Cohen has been frequenting the TV talk show circuit. He shrewdly realised if he made a contrarian view, then news networks would invite him to be a guest for their news episode.
My opinion is that he is just an opportunist who wants more visibility.

Putin is a gangsterly thug with secret police roots; and he decided to make his move on Crimea after analysing that Obama is an unusually weak US President who cannot even teach Syria a lesson after it crossed his so-called red line. Obama asked the US Congress for permission (when he did not need to ask) to bomb Assad. And the US Congress was about the deny that permission to the US President.

Putin knew that after Obama, in 2016 USA may have a stronger willed, more forceful President. So better annex Crimea now when a weakling US president is still in the White House. If USA had a president like Ronald Reagan now, Putin would not have dared to annex Crimea.

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Ukraine crisis: Putin signs Russia-Crimea treaty
It is a done deal.
Weak sanctions don’t put any pressure on Russia
The War is Over: Obama and Kerry Back Down as Russia Victory Dances

Putin is a clumsy bully.
Obama is a coward.
Cameron is JAFO.
Yanukovych is a corrupt criminal.
NATO is NATO (no action talk only).
UN is Usually Neutral.
Aksyonov is a gangsterly puppet.
Hollande is busy chasing new French actress mistress.
Merkel is murky on the annexation.
Yatsenyuk is blissfully ignorant that Ukraine needs protection

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This conflict gives us a lot of food for thought..
We have always relied on bigger countries coming to our rescue in case of a real invasion. We may have to consider that these big boys are too impotent to come to help us drive out any invaders.

Spot on, yet alot of Singaporeans are complaint why is *** spending more on military than us.

Just few years back, South Koreans are complaining about their NS, however once the north fire a nuclear, everyone starts panicking.. We don't want that.

Crimea is now Russia, that isn't an impossible scenario, and we can be annexed too. So make NS training safe, but train hard, train well.
Our neighbours aren't always friendly as recent events show..

Now Moldova also wants to join Russia. Looks like the Soviet Union is re-forming under Putin.

Putin has a 2 year window period to grab several sovereign countries using military force, under pretext of protecting Russian speaking ethnic races.

By 2016, USA would have a US presidential election, to replace the current weakling in the White House, who could only impose travel sanctions on a handful of Russian oligarchs - in response to an armed invasion.

In 2016, the new US president may or may not be a weakling who only likes to make speeches but is incapable of taking military action. Putin will assess the new guy (or gal) in the White House to see if he can kick the new 2016 US president around, like how he is doing to the current one.

When one looks at the current 2014 Ukraine fiasco, then we appreciate what a great US president JFK was. For standing up to the Russian bully (at that time Nikita Khrushchev) and daring the soviets to go on to thermo-nuclear war, if that is what they want.

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