Tangshooters - Mega TFCD Part 4

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HAHAHAS. Thanks :) But am going to redye my hair soon :( BLACK COLOUR . :D:D
uhh. Yah luh :) SK HARD TO DO AH

thanks to Shuana and models, thanks to Michael and Phoa for organizing, thanks for SK for supporting, thanks for kind car owners, thanks for MTV..

it wasnt ideal situation, well, it was still fun. :D

U must then be a regular/fan of Mambo Jambo and/or saturday's dbl0.

HAHHAAs. welll, I like retro, i`m still living in the 70`s. HAHHAAS. I like AH-GO-GO. so damn cool

but u nt studying liao wat.. going poly!!!

woots...... i go orh orh liao feeling dead..TOMOLO STILL GOT SCH AH, DIE AH, HAVEN FINISH HMWK...


UHHHH, SAD TO SAY, i hardly go club. still underage lahs! 17 lehs :(
unless underage club lahs. but i dont like , damn messy & noisy.
prefer Pub then club. && if go club of course choose RnB lahs . cause dance mahs

I think I am not the organisers. :sweat:

The most important person, you guys should thanks is Micheal for his effort to plan and arrange this Mega TFCD shoot. I am just assisting him in the necessary arrangements. Too bad, the guy upstairs had broken pipes, or else the shoot will be a great outcome. :)

Special thanks to the drivers of the 4WDs, for their maverllous vehicles. It was a great turn out for this shoot. I believe over 15 vehiches? Especially to Big Bear the vehicles commander for coordinating the 4WDs. I had to make apologies to him for not able to conduct shoot on his vehiche, as the Monster can't cross under the carpark 2.15m barrier. :embrass:. If have a 2nd round shoot with good weather, I will definitely conduct shoot o his. ;)....BTW, I enjoyed the site reccee on his vehicle. It is a roller coster ride. :bsmilie:

I had to thanks the models who come for this shoot and their patience especially on this weather.

Will try to post some, once I cleared my back logs.

hey ambious, if u ever need harley bike let me know ok!

i know 2 ppl who ride harley.. :D

whoooooo snip me from behind....hey..i dun look so fat afterall...:bsmilie:

and a very big thank you to michael and all jeep owners and wife/gf... all have been very kind and the massive joyride around the lalang with all the vehicle is thrilling...the ENTIRE CONVOY..!! and i get to join them for future rides across other terrains...!

Such opportunities are rare....i am in the right outing this time..
more more more!!!...this is my fav outing...(flyer outing oso)...!!!

i went goo goo gaa gaa over the jeeps.....!!

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whoooooo snip me from behind....hey..i dun look so fat afterall...:bsmilie:

and a very big thank you to michael and all jeep owners and wife/gf... all have been very kind and the massive joyride around the lalang with all the vehicle is thrilling...the ENTIRE CONVOY..!! and i get to join them for future rides across other terrains...!

Such opportunities are rare....i am in the right outing this time..
more more more!!!...this is my fav outing...(flyer outing oso)...!!!

i went goo goo gaa gaa over the jeeps.....!!

Fairy went crazy? :think:

oops...our joyous comments has been moved to KOPITAM...:embrass:

oh well, life goes on...let's continue..:bsmilie:

the most important...this outing has been very fun and the company (pple) are right..:)

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