Sigma 60mm F2.8 DN "Art" lens for M4/3

A couple more with this lens, just not using it enough.

Hard to focus, had to MF with focus peak on EP5. Yesterday's sunset. Wide open

At F2.8

At F6.3

Nice! Very nice pics :thumbsup:

BTW why is it "hard to focus" ?

Nice! Very nice pics :thumbsup:

BTW why is it "hard to focus" ?

Thanks! Hard to focus was for the first plant shot, AF wasn't accurate partly as I was going in & out of min focus distance, partly as it was an odd angle close to ground, a swivel screen would probably help more in AF. the focus peak really helped though.

Thanks! Hard to focus was for the first plant shot, AF wasn't accurate partly as I was going in & out of min focus distance, partly as it was an odd angle close to ground, a swivel screen would probably help more in AF. the focus peak really helped though.

The IQ nice compare to 45 and 75 oly.? :)

$260 is a good price?

Can Someone tell me what is the price of 19mm and 60mm art in SG? TIA

I would like to use this lens for learning Macro, may I ask which brand of extension tubes is better? I'm weighing either extension tubes or conversion lens but read the quality from extension tubes gives better results.

May I ask which brand of extension tube you guys are pairing it with?

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I would like to use this lens for learning Macro, may I ask which brand of extension tubes is better? I'm weighing either extension tubes or conversion lens but read the quality from extension tubes gives better results.

May I ask which brand of extension tube you guys are pairing it with?

Does brand really matter on extension tube? it just a hollow tube without any glass in between. The IQ still based on the lens itself not the tube.

but if there is any other brand which offer more like AF, Camera setting information, that will be nice. (I just return to photography therefore I am not sure what new nowadays)

I have came across Viltrox extension for M 4/3 but some how there's feedback with regards to AF detection error. Since I don't have experience with extension, it's better to get some information here from fellow Sifu.

For M43 automatic extension lens, these are the brands that I have found tentatively, Kenko, Fotga aka Neewer and Meike.

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just sunk some $244 at PS into a new Sigma 60mm ART to replace my Oly 60mm Macro... got it because it is cheap and good and smaller so it is great for my shooting needs... the Oly 60mm is still great but needed a smaller package and i also found myself not doing much macro. Tot to share the current street price.

Just wondering, comparing pan14mm 2.5 & sigma 19mm 2.8 art, which would you guys prefer?
I compare the two since they are similar in terms of focal Length, aperture, & price.

I'm thinking of the following (pany 14mm & sigma 19mm) 2 lenses you have an idea on their price?
Hows the performance of both? - Thinking of landscape, indoors and low light