Sibylle Bergemann Photographs

2902 Gallery

New Member
Mar 1, 2012
Title: Sibylle Bergemann Photographs
Date: 1-31 March
Venue: 2902 Gallery, Old School, 11B Mount Sophia, #B2-09
Co-organised by Goethe Institut Singapore and 2902 Gallery
Free Admission

Featuring over 100 works of black and white photorgaphs and colour polaroids, this is a life time works by renowned Berlin photographer - Sibylle Bergemann.

About the Show
The photographs of Sibylle Bergemann (1941 – 2010), one of the leading contemporary German photographers, are awe-inspiring for one because of the diversity of their subject matter and second for their astonishing insights and sensitivity. Bergemann commands subjects such as fashion, reportage, photographic essays, urban and rural landscapes as well as portraits in an equally self-assured manner. Exhaustingly worked with the medium Polaroid, almost exclusively with b/w photography, Bergemann belongs meanwhile to a group of photographers who use colour as a constitutive element in the construction of a meaning, and not as an illustration device.

Bergemann’s works express a critical analysis of the reality during the times of the GDR. Her precise observation of hidden contexts is shown in the peculiar details of her photographs and that become symbols that reflect subtle stories and nuances of their time. They are interpretation as well as statements.
Bergemann’s photographs play with the longing of the observer, who appears to be drawn into a thoughtful and melancholic mood filled with eerie, dreamlike states-of-being while looking at her photographs. The complexity found in these photographs creates the unmistakable, personal style of the Berlin-based photographer.

Opening Hours:
Close of Monday & Public Holiday
Tue - Saturday 12noon - 8pm
Sunday 12noon - 6pm

Impossibly Instant Made Possible
Continuing to share in the artistry that is instant analogue photography Peek! ties in with 2902 Gallery for the Sibylle Bergemann Exhibition, to present a day of discovering the instant magic of Polaroid photography brought back to life by THE IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT.

Inconjuction with 2902 Gallery and Goethe Institut’s closing of its successful photography exhibition for world-renowned German photographer Sibylle Bergemann (1941 – 2010), Peek! will showcase an all-day exclusive event to include a comprehensive line-up of films and products, from The Impossible Project, who has been bringing the magic of instant photography back to life since its demise from 2008.

Using Sibylle’s Polaroid photo prints as homage to art once thought lost and as Impossible Project’s Partner Store in South-east Asia, only one of two in the region. Peek! will bring to a fitting end, an educated approach to the highly experimental and ground breaking nature of The Impossible Project’s series of Polaroid films starting, from the first to the very current.

More than that get the chance to interact with its carefully refurbished cameras and understand how these cameras work, and sift through a series of Polaroid shots from The Impossible Project suite of films, shot and curated by Peek!, this in addition to other fellow photographers who shoots on the same medium. All this will take place at the vast space of 2902 Gallery, right in the heart of Old School at Mount Sophia.

Date: 31st March 2012, Saturday
Time: 12noon – 8pm
Address: 2902 Gallery, OldSchool 11B Mount Sophia, B2-09

Event Activities:

Time Activity
12pm onwards
Viewing of Impossibly Instant Made Possible Exhibition
The Impossible Project’s full suite of Products & Films.
Sibylle Bergemann – A Guided Tour
Guided by 2902 Gallery, the tour will cover Sybille Bergemann’s extensive use of Polaroid films as the medium of choice for her signature thought provoking captures.
An Introduction to IMPOSSIBLE
Further understanding the highly experimental nature of the IMPOSSIBLE Films and its carefully refurbished line of Polaroid cameras.
Hands-On with IMPOSSIBLE
An Interactive mini-workshop on IMPOSSIBLE films and its products – get the chance to feel their carefully refurbished cameras and the same time learn to shoot with them properly.
All-day event Polaroid Photo User Submission
Display your very own Polaroid pictures and at the same time, share with people your experience shooting either with the old Polaroid films or the IMPOSSIBLE films.