Shoot alot on a dSLR

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I used to shoot on film. I take care of my shots well. Then I switched to digital. No I just bang away like there is no tomorrow. However with more usage and experience between you and your camera you will tend to shoot less as your 'accuracy' rate will be better. Still I for one think that if you want to nag away on your camera...just do it! If you want to be conservative in your's your call. JUST DO IT! Don't let others tell you what you should do with your camera or where to drive your car. Although some tips and tricks from them may come in handy. Be happy always. Sometimes it is better to shoot more rather than miss than one shot. Long time ago when I was doing product shots we used to shoot 2 to 4 rolls of film not to mention polaroids. After all this is done only one shot makes it to the magazine.

you like to eat 1 bowl of rice or 5 bowls of rice for each meal so be it. Eating 5 bowls of rice might be a wastage for you, but might bring satifaction to someone else.
As long as you have $ to pay for your rice & you dun come and knock into me when i am eating my bowl of rice! ;p

Sorri for the crap, jus waiting for time to pass, lolz.

What half retail price?!?! The shutter is worth more than 30000 exposures thank you very much. Although to be fair, retail price was £4000, and I'd be happy to take £2000 for it when I hit 15000 exposures...

Jed said:
What half retail price?!?! The shutter is worth more than 30000 exposures thank you very much. Although to be fair, retail price was £4000, and I'd be happy to take £2000 for it when I hit 15000 exposures...

dammit, Jed quoted me sterling pounds ... which is so strong now against SGD (1 is to 3). :sweat:

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