Share your SLR Shots...

Well, you know what they say...

Dogs have masters
Cats have staff. :)

I absolutely agree haha

Serve me....


Shot on FM3A and Kodak Tmax 100

Aiyo... So cute!!

Cats sleep so much sometimes I'm envious.

Some more shots from my uni days.


Guys, someone start a SLR animal thread since they are so many pet lovers here??


SLR captured another SLR user :)

FM3A Ilford Delta 100


FM3A Ilford Delta 100

I'll share some pictures taken from my university in the US during winter.

This is taken is St. Louis


really awesome to see an slr sharing sub forum :)



nikon f3hp with 35mm f2 ai'd. film is ilford delta 100 i believe

We should organize an SLR meeting for all of us to meet, mix and of course take picture!




a few more shots. nikon f100 with 50mm f1.8 afd. loaded with tri x :heart:

Can't live without coffee...

My bro's girlfriend. A little overexposed. I overcompensed. I was still trying out film at that time.

My classmate during study break. Super love her to death. She's super bubbly.

Just sharing my BnW photos from batam a weekend ago. I just recently tried out film for the first time. Still got a lot of learning to do. :,( All were shot with my friend's Yashica FX-3 + 42-75mm f3.5-4.5 with Agfa APX400.






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first 4 on Nikonf FA, last one on an F2

Tokina 20-35 f/2.8, fuji Pro160C when was in boston for a seminar.

50 1.2 AIS @ 1.2, Ilford Panf+ My silly cat. took me about 2 years of trying to get this shot. he ll only look at you for 2-3s then turn around and ignore you.

35 f2 AIS, Fuji Pro 160S

MC Rokkor 135mm f/2.8 (f-mount converted), Fuji Pro160S

50 1.2 AIS @ 1.2 on a Nikon F2, UXI Efiniti


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The new kodak porta vc 400 is good. Very nice for skin tones and not overly saturated.

Yup Iron Symphony we should have an outing. Good to share tips and tricks to keep SLR usage alive and well :)

Taken with F100, 50mm 1.2 Ai-s & Fujifilm 200

Taken with F100, 85mm 1.4D & Ilford Delta 100 Black and White professional

Taken with F6(Borrowed), 85mm 1.4D & Tmax 100 finest grain

Anyone try the latest Kodak Portra 400 yet?

hey anthony..nice to see u here...step out of the only slr sharing thread in OM..hope ur collection is still strong! haha

Yup i tried de film but is in 120mm format...shared in the MF thread...can go take a look...colors pretty muted