Share Some RF Shots 17

Actually if u stopped down to f/2, its beautiful to shoot in color too. Cheers. Quite versatile this lens is.

Yeah it does. Probably best to use f1.4 mostly for street portraits!

Yeah it does. Probably best to use f1.4 mostly for street portraits!

Yes. Mostly using f/1.4 on street portraits. Sometimes using f/2 if doesn't want it to b too glowy.

Interesting! Does the new fle have similar characteristics ?

Nopez. ASPH elements corrected all the Spherical Abbheration. FLE is a modern lens and thus does not give the classical rendering. Seems more ppl prefer the Pre FLE ASPH 35 Lux though, prices still high for them...

M7, cron 35mm v3, trix in hc-110

Thanks for the compliments, Royale With Cheese, azzuri and gommy. Here are some shots from Tibet:

Bakhor Monk, on Flickr. Leica MP, Leica 35/1.4 ASPH, Ilford XP2

Tibetan Youths, on Flickr. Leica MP, Leica 35/1.4 ASPH, Ilford XP2

A sneaky shot Inside Potola Palace, on Flickr. Leica MP, Zeiss Biogon 21/2.8, Ilford XP2

Potola Square 1, on Flickr. Leica MP, Zeiss Biogon 21/2.8, Ilford XP2

Hat, on Flickr. Leica MP, Leica 35/1.4 ASPH, Ilford XP2

excellent shots!

Just sharing...


Some photos from Zurich, Switzerland. Shot with my Bessa R3A and the usual Kodak Gold but this time also with Agfa Vista Plus 400 instead of my usual Kodak UltraMax 400.

Tri-X 400


Some photos from Zurich, Switzerland. Shot with my Bessa R3A and the usual Kodak Gold but this time also with Agfa Vista Plus 400 instead of my usual Kodak UltraMax 400.

Colours look great!

great pics!

Summilux Pre ASPH 35/1.4 (1979 - Late Canadian V2)

Wide Open: