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i used an expired portra 160NC 220mm that came together with the camera



Hi Alvin,

These are nice fotos, but you could do justice to them by boosting up the brightness and contrast, using Level or Curves. They are all under-exposed i.e. the first 4 fotos and the last one. You can use a hand-held light meter to get the exposure right. Well unless that's the efx you wanted. :)

i bought 10rolls of lucky 120film bnw for around 3bucks a roll on ebay.

Thanks for the advise Mezzo, i used the built in CdS lightmeter. I guess next time round, to compenstate for the inaccurate lightmeter, i should increase the exposure by 1-2 f-stops. :)

Got to do some editing after getting my main comp fixed :)

Add MF to your arsenal :) :thumbsup:, always good most of the time ... most MF cameras too, just a matter of differences in build quality, size, weight, flexibility ...

Never look good in front of the camera:embrass: Hehe.. The seagull really good stuff, pics looks really nice and sharp..


Hi Chiif, where to get Lucky 120?? I need one box as I am leaving for Boston for about 6 months

got from a friend who got it from China. Only manages to get 4 rolls. Anyone going to China? Maybe can get a few bricks...

I just bought 20 rolls of 120 & 20 rolls of 35mm Agfa APX 100. I think I will start stocking more considering that it's harder & harder to get them nowadays.... Like petrol, their price seems to go up everyday!

Fooling around again with the Rolleinar 2 close-up lens on a Rolleiflex at f/2.8 to check out bokeh ...

Rolleiflex with yellow filter at f/4 - my 2nd bird shot after all these years (the 1st was a chicken :bsmilie:), as they were about to roost at dusk ...


Hi all, heres one from my newly acquired RB67 :


50mm f/4.5 C and Velvia 50 =)

Thanks, just trying ...

I scanned them with an Epson V700. MF is much more easier to scan than 35mm, though, looks great even from lower model scanners.

These are taken with the Carl Zeiss Planar lens, btw, and remind me a bit only of Hasselblad's Zeiss lenses' character. The Schneider Xenotar is slightly sharper with slightly more contrast. I like both lenses though, different flavors depending on what I would like to convey.

Below are some test close-ups from a Rolleicord Vb with a Rolleinar 3 lens, at 1/500, f/16 with a Metz flash

13cm x 13cm crop of a Mexican stone carving.

4.5cm x 4cm Japanese tea cups ...

Very nice pictures!

Did you scan the negatives yourself? Which scanner you use? Thanks!


Wow, beautiful bokeh and model. Bokeh from f2.8 really nice.

This is my 1st MF photo here.

Yashica 24G Mat + Fuji NPH 400

Lovely woman and nice bokeh, I think a Rolleinar 1 attached would make it creamier too, if desired ...

Nordleadx, she looks surprised :bsmilie:. Now that you have your TLR, not sure about Yashica, but try shooting same subject at 1/15 compared to 1/15 on your Leica ;) (assuming all speeds are ok).


I think she is :confused:....
Ooh , is there any difference due to the lack of shutter curtain?? If I am not wrong this should be 1/15 or 1/30 at f5 to f6. I shoot 1/15 on my m6 and olympus om most of the time, does the tlr system perform better at low shutter speed??? I will try ... Keen to find out the difference.

Another pic , taken last year while trying to understand how my Yashica work.


Lovely B&W, this Yashica seems good with B&W ...

Well, IMHO, not to take anything away from the Leicas which are famous for this and with many lenses below f/2.8, but within its aperture range, I find the TLR steadier to use in available low light. And the Rolleicord has a shutter that is undoubtedly quieter than the Leica M's (but not as easy to hide as a Leica M, yet at the same time some people may not know it's a camera :)).

You always shoot at 1/15 ? Steady hands :sweat:, then maybe you should try 1/8 ...

Here's one I took at 1/15, f/2.8, Rolleiflex, with a Rolleinar 2 close-up lens (using the close-up makes it shakier).
This time, he knows I'm taking his picture, camera is right in his face, at a coffee shop around 10pm ...

I think she is :confused:....
Ooh , is there any difference due to the lack of shutter curtain?? If I am not wrong this should be 1/15 or 1/30 at f5 to f6. I shoot 1/15 on my m6 and olympus om most of the time, does the tlr system perform better at low shutter speed???


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