SGTrekker 15D Ladakh Delhi Agra Jaipur Photography Trek

Day 1, street peddlers offering various tourist item.

Views from Shanti Stupa

Elderly Gentleman

houho spinning the prayer wheels at Hermis Monastery for good luck

Monk trying to concentrate during a mediation class at Hermis Monastery

Prayer monks

The appointed monk who plays the music while the other are chanting

Villagers joining in the daily prayers session

Hi Everyone *wave wave

:) Kei here! Glad to see this thread picking up some speed, thanks to Melvin, Adrian, sk1968 and chuck1 :) Keep those photos coming!!

Hi Everyone *wave wave

:) Kei here! Glad to see this thread picking up some speed, thanks to Melvin, Adrian, sk1968 and chuck1 :) Keep those photos coming!!

Glad to see you in the trip. Quite a surprise. Post your photo lei. Post post.

Glad to see you in the trip. Quite a surprise. Post your photo lei. Post post.

HI Divinemoment :) Long time no see!! How are you? I was also quite surprised to find myself on this trip! I plead "Temporary Insanity"!!! Hahaha!!

Photos?? Trek was super-siong so I didn't take many photos. No energy to hold camera up, turn this dial, that dial, get exposure right, frame picture nicely .. aiyo, too tired so I took record shots only. Just fire, fire, fire! ;p

CMI photos coming up soon!!


* Our litle Jet Airways plane that flew us from Delhi - Leh *

Photo was snapped thru the dirty bus window hence it's a little blurry with some reflection from the glass. Plane also looks a little tilted??? I think it was because of an incline and not because I had AMS :bsmilie:

Leh Aiport - It is one of the highest airfields in the world (3256m) and one of the trickiest, due to the high mountains on either side of the runway.

As we were nearing Leh, you could see excited tourists ;p (..ahem ..) scrambling from one side of the plane to the other, trying to take photos of the majestic peaks as they got closer.

Anyone got a good shot?? Post Post Post!!

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Finding Change

Finding Change by Singapore Trekker, on Flickr

Interesting perspective. Must have been shot from a height of approximately 185cms?? ;p I like the B&W effect too :thumbsup:

wow! sk, diamox peddler! both of you have a good series of nice photos!

They are all very nice!

Thanks. Considering the AMS, I am already glad my photos turned out half-decent :)


* Our litle Jet Airways plane that flew us from Delhi - Leh *

Photo was snapped thru the dirty bus window hence it's a little blurry with some reflection from the glass. Plane also looks a little tilted??? I think it was because of an incline and not because I had AMS :bsmilie:

Leh Aiport - It is one of the highest airfields in the world (3256m) and one of the trickiest, due to the high mountains on either side of the runway.

As we were nearing Leh, you could see excited tourists ;p (..ahem ..) scrambling from one side of the plane to the other, trying to take photos of the majestic peaks as they got closer.

Anyone got a good shot?? Post Post Post!!

Hello, can you post a bigger photo huh ? This one so tiny that I used magnifying glass also no use :)

:heart: Our little SHU-QI :heart:

We saw many beautiful children on this's another one with a lollipop given by Melvin...btw, this Melvin is another big-kid with a candy jar..haha...this little girl was visibly pleased with the lollipop :)


Hello, can you post a bigger photo huh ? This one so tiny that I used magnifying glass also no use :)

That's why I said, "Our LITTLE Jet Airways plane" mah .. .. if I post big-big, then it won't be little anymore, eh?? ;p

Diamox peddler, nice portraits. Dunno about N but your C certainly has nicer colours than my S :)

Hi SK, don't think it's got anything to do with C, N or S. It's CS5!!

We saw many beautiful children on this's another one with a lollipop given by Melvin...btw, this Melvin is another big-kid with a candy jar..haha...this little girl was visibly pleased with the lollipop :)


I :heart: the smile on her face!!!

We saw many beautiful children on this's another one with a lollipop given by Melvin...btw, this Melvin is another big-kid with a candy jar..haha...this little girl was visibly pleased with the lollipop :)


Beautifully shot!!