Self Portraits

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Senior Member
May 7, 2004
What in your opinion is the best way to shoot self portraits? Is there any way other than using MF and a measuring tape? How do you personally do it. I'm thinking of a mini project soon and am looking for a better way to shoot myself than that. Any suggestions or personal techniques/experience shared would be much appreciated :)

Stoned said:
What in your opinion is the best way to shoot self portraits? Is there any way other than using MF and a measuring tape? How do you personally do it. I'm thinking of a mini project soon and am looking for a better way to shoot myself than that. Any suggestions or personal techniques/experience shared would be much appreciated :)

where are you gonne place your camera?
on a tripod?
on a table?

just pose at where your are with the camera, focus where you want to place the camera will do, if from point A to point B is this distance, from point B to point A will be the same too.

i can still use AF with my wireless remote, so just have to set the AF point to the center dot, try to align an eye such that the aperture's hole is equidistant from the circumference of the lens, focus and fire :)

use a proxy to focus...say a pillow, bag, or something, and place it where you would be...focus on the proxy and lock the focus...then try to do a few exposures, moving yourself slightly closer and further...if possible, use a small aperture to maximise depth of field and a remote so you don't have to move much to reactivate the shutter release (set at delayed release of course so you can hide the remote)...:think:

Thanks guys. Sounds great, forgot to come in and check the thread. I like catchlights idea and I never thought about the idea of a proxy(quite duh now that I come to think of it).

Thanks Lionelin as well, but I don't have a remote so I can't try your suggestion.

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