Scantily dressed = asking to be raped?

Cone on..... This is singapore.

Cone on..... This is singapore.

This may be the future ............. with mass influx of immigrants from God-knows-where ......... law and order will be more difficult to enforce ..... Welcome to the new Singapore!!!

But deep inside .....I hope the Authorities will bring in more scantily clad women ............. :bsmilie:

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Well.. if you wear Omega and drive Mercs or Ferrari and go to JB.. are you asking to be robbed ?
I'm not condoning the criminals, but surely we have responsibility to take precautions.
By saying this you are saying that the trigger point for a rape is skimpy dressing or aesthetics. I don't think it's the case, more often than not the crime occurs because of an opportunity presenting itself rather than planning for a particular target who catches your whim and fancy. One must remember that rape occurs at all ages and to all sorts of people.

I don't quite agree with your analogy. It appears legit at first, but once again, a person who does so can be seen as silly, but they never deserve to be robbed either.

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The other thread I posted about selfishness had some body posted I foreign lady said it her right to put her feet on the seat, ie occupying 2 seats herself.
So what if those molesters who are foreigners say like that also? Than how ah?

This may be the future ............. with mass influx of immigrants from God-knows-where ......... law and order will be more difficult to enforce ..... Welcome to the new Singapore!!!

But deep inside .....I hope the Authorities will bring in more scantily clad women ............. :bsmilie:

Neither you nor I can confirm where those FB writers comes from... so, neither you nor I can say with immigrants from ''God-knows-where" were to come... that surely those woman will be attack.

If anyone here been to the 'Green-Zone', aka EDMW at HardwareZone... you would have notice the S'porean aren't really 'Angels' when it comes to making 'PG' statement...

ha ha by that logic a photographer loaded down with 2-3 cameras and long white lenses hanging around his neck is asking to get gang-banged !!!

Have to be street smart lar. Wearing like that go little india on Saturday midnight walking in the back alley than how? Yes molestation is wrong but not being street smart is also asking for it.
SPF always have banners hanging everywhere asking people not to show their blink blink mah. Also they always say "low crime don't means no crime"

I wonder which situation would ladies want to be in?:

1) Have rapist pay for their crime after raping / gang rape her

2) Be street smart n knows how to protect herself like wearing sexy dress knows when or where not to be n not be alone where possible.

OT ...... I just got a "reputation comment" (under Notifications) from the mod for expressing my views on this topic .... What's it supposed to mean? :dunno:

I think many had this experience, after clubbing when everyone had abit more than they should, but still board friend's car to get a free ride. Most arrived home safely.

What if get into accident? Start blaming on the driver for own stupid mistake for getting into that car?

Sometimes, in one way or another, we each is responsible for our own decisions but most of us will find scapegoat.

There's been several rape or near rape cases in Malaysia, recently a Japanese national was almost kidnapped and got slashed by a phoney cab driver.
I wasn't there but I doubt she and many of the other victims dressed provocatively.
Like in India many of the rape victims were young girls.
Are you saying all of them dressed in a manner that is inviting of getting raped?

In the mind of a pervert ......... more may mean less and be more provocative ............ but I am not liddat ....... :p

Alamak I think the topic here is about ladies dressing very sexyly here lar. Criminal mind nobody can understand.

if these are considered scantily clad, then i have seen worse in gyms and in nightspots. Those who say they deserve to be raped are just finding excuses and justification for their own perverse behaviour and thinking.

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Rape is.. A decision to impose violence and force an unwilling party to have sex with you. A lot of people look at the scantily clad girls and some will laugh it off, some will avert their eyes, some will take a photo and stomp it, some will think about it later when it is lonely at night and reach out for a box of tissues. The same thing applies for non-scantily dressed girls.

Out of these people who have come into contact with all these girls, only a small handful will make that decision to warp the natural course of life and force their desires through violence.

By claiming that the girls asked for it, by saying that they were not streetsmart, you cheapen the choice made by many many other normal, law-abiding citizens to carry on with their lives and let things happen naturally. You also discount the severity of the rapist's act and make it seem as if the victim should share in the blame, when they had no choice or say in the matter, and definitely were not asking for it (given that rape is NOT consensual).


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Alamak I think the topic here is about ladies dressing very sexyly here lar. Criminal mind nobody can understand.

A pervert may not be a criminal unless he has taken a course of action which is against the law ........ same goes for the bloggers who commented on the forum .... they may have the premeditation for rape ..... :)


I can't understand why everybody is missing the point from the photo that if the scantily-dressed girls could go about their business in public and private in Singapore we should be proud that our country is such a safe haven. It points to the high moral fibre of our society.

Another scientific fact everybody is missing is that gobal warming has a lot to do with girls going for such dresses. It is a necessity rather than a fashion. Aunties in hot pants will be a thing of the future.


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