Rumour: New Fuji SLR!

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New Member
Jan 31, 2007
Check this out....

Tolong Recession End Quick..


I got the link from Nikonrumors!

“Today is the opening day of the Milan Photography Equipment Show and I went there and found out a few interesting things. One of them is being able to talk to a Fujifilm engineer about the next generation DSLR. First the DSLR being developed currently will use the EXR sensor in the F200 and has multiple (film?) modes. Next it’s still based on Nikon’s body. It’s not sure which specific body, could be the D300. Sensor size is most likely the 1.5x DX format. In terms of introduction date, he said very directly that it would be within six months based on the current speed of progress, definitely will be the Christmas shopping season. He also said there will be another flagship consumer model available before the DSLR, using EXR technology.”

if this is true i'll be so so so so so so so so HAPPY!!!!!!:lovegrin::lovegrin::lovegrin::lovegrin::lovegrin::lovegrin:

i don't know,,,,it may or may not happen, i say not happeing for now ,,, i might be wrong


this better be it!! wooo!!

I am very excited about it. However, I may not take the leap unless it is significantly better than S5 Pro. E.g. colour comparable to S2Pro, noise level better than S5 Pro, improved sharpness and speed. I am sure Fujifilm will deliver yet another awesome DSLR judging from their track record. Good night.

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Finally.. im hopping & hopping for S6pro wif de new EXR.. i still love my S3pro (less setting but solid result).. hope they will come out sometin like true 12mpix or more..

I won't uprade if they are going to produce just another 1.5 crop..
where is your full frame fuji????

This is just a hoax, and will be deemed a hoax until we receive an official announcement from Fujifilm.

Don't put your hope too high as I understand from Fujifilm Singapore that there will not be a 'next DSLR'.

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This is just a hoax, and will be deemed a hoax until we receive an official announcement from Fujifilm.

Don't put your hope too high as I understand from Fujifilm Singapore that there will not be a 'next DSLR'.

true...i won't hold my breath waiting the the S6 Pro. then again....plans have been known to change every few months, esp with the sudden surge in demand for the S5 Pro.

Finally.. im hopping & hopping for S6pro wif de new EXR.. i still love my S3pro (less setting but solid result).. hope they will come out sometin like true 12mpix or more..

yo bro! your S3 Pro still going strong! :thumbsup:

I hope it's true! Meanwhile, I will continue to enjoy my S5 Pro until the next one appears!

I won't uprade if they are going to produce just another 1.5 crop..
where is your full frame fuji????

i agree.. i will LOVE a full frame s6pro!! give it to me but i dunno if it be as affordable. I feel s5pro ISO control is pretty impressive as compared to D300 the grains at high iso are very film like. The s6pro(if its true) better be like that or better no watercolor photos please:p

Bros & Sisters,

Good news;) We have save much harder to get ready for this new S5pro replacement esp $$$ is very very hard to come by as our bosses cut our pay or sent us pink slip

I'm sure most of us can afford the new DSLR. Just save $3 a day for the next 2 years. :D

one more site, which tell u the different sect of the DSLR technology - surprise surprise....

From the wikipedia, the alliance of japanese camera are loosely as
Nikon under Mitsubishi umbrella,
Sony and Fuji Photo under Mitsui umbrella,
Panasonic under Sumitomo umbrella (loosely?)
Canon and Ricoh under Fuyo (formely Yasuda prior to WWII?)

Details are as follow:

Maybe Mr Obama New Global Economic Plan is so Tock Kong in eliminating easy credit, will finally bring down the consumer price index to a much more confortable level for most people.

Keep our finger cross for the G20 summit... hopefully it bring good news to relieve our burdens for an average salary man like most our us here....

An email message from Rosemary of Fujifilm:

"Our S5 PRO camera is now out-of-stock and will be discontinued.

If you need to purchase, let me know and I can help to check with some of our dealers who might still carry the stock.

Best Regards,

[Email dated March 31, 2009]

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