Official 5D User Thread

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Share a couple of my humble photos


Taken with 5D and Sigma 50 f1.4


Taken with 5D and 24-70L


5D with 24-70L

The 5D rocks ! I won't change camera.

3 Light Setup :) Strobe Left and Right then 1 beauty dish on the top
Yup taken by 5d classic and 50mm 1.8

Just switched over from the other camp and got myself a 5Dmk2. :D

Just switched over from the other camp and got myself a 5Dmk2. :D

Bro welcome to Canon's side :) Btw this thread is more dedicated towards the 5D classic users. Of course we welcome you here too, but just wanna let you know there is a dedicated 5DMII user thread here. ;)

Enjoy your new camera!

U guys think it's crazy to sell D700 and crossover to 5D??? The saving can buy better lens.... Not 5DMKII cause will be back to square one.... FF camera with not do good lens.... Another option is 7D.... Hmmmm

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got D700 already still want to come over 5D classic.

just save up more for glass can liao.

U guys think it's crazy to sell D700 and crossover to 5D??? The saving can buy better lens.... Not 5DMKII cause will be back to square one.... Ff can with not do good lens.... Another option is 7D.... Hmmmm

I have a 5D and a 7D and I think that they're very good cameras. Regardless if I were you, I would stay with the D700. I don't think you'll notice much of a difference and the switch will be wasted. Sure with the saving you could buy a better lens but if you stay with Nikon, you can eventually buy another lens as good or better than the lens with the Canon switch.

I'm sure that some will disagree with me, but the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence. More often than not, the grass is just as green on your side.

Okie thank Bro eleveninth & Bro raydio.... sometime need this kind of advise to cure the itchy backside virus..... save me loads of trouble too....:devil:

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