[Numnumball] AHBT Macro 21 Macro 10


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2009
<b>Alexandra Hospital Butterfly Trail Park Macro 21 Mar 10</b>

Cheers~!! ^0^Went over to AHBT Park for a short macro session this morning from 8-930.. Nth much apart from some spideys, a rarely come across caterpillar and some others.. Infested with commandoes mosquitoes that place, prepared with insect repellent but to no avail...A little uncomfortable after all those bites so left abit earlier than planned.. No wonder i m the only shooter for the whole morning :sweatsm:

C & C as usual guys~! Thanks and hope all had a great weekend..

1. An Ant's life - "life threathening stunt"


2. I had absolutely no idea what this is~ :dunno:


3. Spidey No.1 (ID required)


#4 - Spidey No.2 (ID required)


#5 - Spidey No.3 (ID required) - This one looks ghostly...


#6 - Rare caterpillar (never come across this before..) - Head on~


#7 - Rare caterpillar (Stacked 3)


Tats all folks :)

Nice shots as usual .....Bryan :thumbsup:

Good capture.

Nice shots. Like #01 very much!

please don't tempt me with your 200mm f/4 !!!
nice... !!!

Great shots Numnumball :)
#1 is excellent, compo reminds me of a diver on the springboard heh
Kurt's right about #2, exuvium of cicada
AH has a pretty 'healthy' population of cicadae; can hear their shrill trilling get louder and faster as you walk into their circle of awareness

Nice series. #1 is my fav too :thumbsup:. Nice detail and comp

Good capture. Vibrant colors! I like #1.
#2 I think it the exoskeleton after it Molting Process.:think:

Alexandra Hospital Butterfly thanks for your Blood Donation.:bsmilie:

again very nice shots.:thumbsup:

The caterpillar appears to be one of the common Lime or one of the mormons.
I am no expert in telling the difference between the caterpillars, but it is pretty uncommon if it is a Great Mormon caterpillar. :)

If you could, try to find that guy the next time you visit the place and look for the caterpillar and see if it has moulted to the next instar, then perhaps it would be easier to ID the caterpillar.