muslin cloth


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2006
a quest to anyone who owns muslin bg, i understand the cloth is extremely big piece of material.
but upon purchase new from a shop, is it norm to have a couple of small holes in the cloth (acceptable)?

i wont be so concern if they are the rod holes or for side hooking right :)
its like you bought a piece of cloth, and found that there are like 2-3 small holes, like tear of fibre in the material.. i know can be deal with in PS
but if I am to expect quality material with good condition (new item from shelf) mean no tear than I will head back to change.

was just curious am I expecting too much and this is a norm to expect such holes :)

thanks for the response too

if those holes are no way near the edge for the said purpose, then it's a defective cloth bro. i've bought two of them from mass sales here, never had any other holes irrespective big or small.

hope this helps

Ok e standard