More Tiger Airways saga...

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My first time with Tiger Air was in March 2006,
flying to Manila.

Departure time is around 12 noon.
Around 11am, they announced flight has been delayed to 4pm!..

Wah.... dunno what to do for 4 hours man!!!

Thats not the end.

On the flight, one flight stewardess was damn fierce and rude.
Someone wanted to sit next to the emergency exit.
The stewardess said in not a very polite way, 'You sit here, you must open the
door during emergency, you know?'

Half-way thru the flight, i tried to secretly eat a sandwich i bought while in
the airport... (4hours mah... sure must have bought something to eat).
But i kena 'caught' by this same stewardess. She look at me, and ordered me
to 'Put it away!' Told me twice. I kept quiet, took out my backpack and put the
remaining sandwich in my back. I also still had a small thumb-size bite left between
my fingers, and she sharply said 'That will be your last bite', and walked away.

Wah..... i was f****** pissed. Budget airline = budget service meh?

Her name is Dawn Tan..... will never forget her name, and never gonna take this airline again.

* Jetstar so much more better. My wife has been travelling every month on Jetstar,
and never once got flight delay. Crew also more pleasant.

tiger airlines:thumbsd: :thumbsd: .....not so long ago they transferred to e budget terminal.but i bought e ticket over e internet and had no ****ing idea tat the terminal already operating so wait on that date.until i notice not a single soul from tigerairways will come up at the checkin counter.transfer there so by tat time its past 5 min.over the checkin time so reach there w wife and daughter....and the bloody ****ing lady at the checkin counter wont help us!!!they just said its close~!!and u know wat that idiot lady wont even call her superior when i no choice i have to buy sq ticket for that day.because my two sons are scheduled to come back w us the next day...same airline!!!
its the most cruel and torturing flight i ever had and swear i will never fly w tiger.

Fly jetstarasia.. you even get free food onboard and there plenty of leg space for tall people like me.

I have taken many budget airlines, the services provided are range from plesant to satisfactory, you don't have budget services on all of them,

With the exception of... TIGER AIRWAYS,
co-owned by Singapore Airlines
btw SIA treats its customers differently, judged by skin color from angmohs to non-angmohs.(thats another story to share)

1. The service staff on tigerairways are terrible, rude and utterly no respect for customers! Even the ah pek at kopitiam treat me better than tigerairways. No kidding.

2. Flight delay, without even bother informing me. Flight time changes and unreasonable delays galore.

Complaint No.1
My first trip on tigerairways on a new route. There are some change of flight time from twice daily to once daily only. I got a very non-chalant email informing of this flight time that goes something like this

"Tigerairways will be effectively operating on such and such time on this route. Please note that your booking will be changed to such and such time on such and such date. For any enquries, you can contact this email address"

Clearly, no apologises on tigerairways side, they didn't even bother to do so, no courtsey of saying sorry, or apologies for the inconvenience. Nadda! Just a statement informing the flight changes.

They happily change your flight time and flight date when they deem like it and expect you to adhere to their whims. Poor customer relations. Is an international company or one of those old communist companies back in the old cold war days of russia and china?

Some folks on the same plane, didnt even get a email or get contacted, and only knew of these changes when they went to the terminal. Poor folks

Complaint No 2

Service Staff VERY PARANOID about people eating on their planes, because they sell food on board. Airasia don't even have such draconian standards.

I have arranging my bag, taking out my contents, and so happen I had some food stuff in the bag which I took out for repacking, had no intention of eating it on board . I had bought a sandwich and a coke on the plane, it was on my stowaway table. So clearly, I had no intention of eating my packed food.

The paranoid and unreasonable Service staff pointed out rudely, PLEASE PUT YOUR FOOD BACK, NO FOOD AND DRINKS ALLOWED.
"Chill man, can't you even see I was repacking my bag, you don't worry about me eating my packed food on board your plane"

Service staff still adamant, stood there until she made me hide away my packed food into my bag. Who is the customer here? I was treated like some **** kid at primary school with a discipline mistress.

Tigerairways, seriously have to look into their service standards and their draconian rules if they improve on their business, and clearly they have lost my business. I rather take the other budget airlines which have pleasant service and their non-cold war communist state company attitude with similar competitive pricing.

And don't talk to me about the budget terminal, it is a no surprise why no other budget airlines are resistant to moving their operations there.

Then the garment will soon give other comments on the budget airlines issues, like what they did to the two newspaper situation.

yadda yadda yadda

ullyss said:
I was treated like some **** kid at primary school with a discipline mistress.
yadda yadda yadda

You took the words right out of my mouth...... That was exactly how i felt I was
treated... like a school kid..... and I'm 38years old!!!

Budget airline with no frills is expected... no complaints about about that.
But cannot have budget service right?


i'm taking tiger next month, as got the free tix. hopefully they dun delay my flight

We can see the trend Jetstar, Air Asia, and Value Air still operating from terminal 1 &2. None of these airlines want to be associated with Budget Airlines or Cheap Airlines. From my own experience in USA and Oz these kind of airlines prefer to be called No-Frills-Airline. Well for Tiger Airways is operating from BUDGET TERMINAL, the name of the terminal shows it that YOU are budget person who are boarding BUDGET airline. Henceforth, YOU are second class traveller and deemd to be oppressed, deprieved, squeezed, and treated lesser than full paying passenger in Terminal 1 & 2.
I've been using Air Asia few times and so far no complaint.

Xing said:
hey philip take a picture of that miserable instant noodle... send to the press with the tagline... budget terminal... budget food... budget service....

budget terminal... budget food... budget service....FIRST CLASS AIRPORT TAX

quekky said:

i'm taking tiger next month, as got the free tix. hopefully they dun delay my flight

Where r u going? My delayed trip was to Manila.

And guess what? It's not just us Singaporeans complaining about Tiger.
After I had bought my ticket, it was my filipino friend in Manila, who actually
pre-warned me to be prepared for flight delay. True enough, it got delayed.

After reading all this, it reminds me of my last cheapo vacation to Genting Highlands over the Labour day weekend.

Coach by Transtar, boarding at 7am next to Lavender MRT which is convenient. The super VIP, double decker coach got real comfy seats with massage function, LCD movies to watch and a young polite gal as tour guide cum hostesse. Overall, it was a pretty good relaxing trip and came back with quite a few "collectable" pictures, 2 of which are posted in the landscape gallery - Mountains and Clouds.

So, it looks like if you wish to go on holidays, better spend a little more and have an enjoyable time and come back happy than to be a cheapo, and come back frustrated with all the inconveniences, delays and screw-ups.

* Jetstar so much more better. My wife has been travelling every month on Jetstar,
and never once got flight delay. Crew also more pleasant.[/QUOTE]

to cut my story short, i was on my way back from Manila and 1 lady boarded the plane with her 2 kids. One of her kid was crying to sit with her and she could not find 2 seats together. The stewardess approach a man in front of me to change his seat as the seat next to him was empty, the man refused (well, to be honest, this man was also being an a**, but that's another sorry) . The stewardess then turn to the lady and said loudly....and I mean loudly " I would have gotten you 2 seats together if only that man would coorperate!!!"

I understand if budget airlines, means no seat selection, no food, no drink, no blanket, but does rude comments to customer lower their cost??

Again, unfortunately, some people I talked to is ready to accept such service simply because it is budget airlines.......and by the way, the flight was delayed for 2 hours

Just wondering, if we are caught eating our own food (personal sandwich), and the stewardess caught us and told us off, and we just ignore them and continue eating it quietly, what will happen? They can't throw throw us out of the plane. Will they have us arrested when we land , just over a sandwich? ;)

t2zone said:
Fly jetstarasia.. you even get free food onboard and there plenty of leg space for tall people like me.

Since when did jetstar start serving free food? I doubt that'll fit into their cost model.

maleman said:
My first time with Tiger Air was in March 2006,
flying to Manila.

Departure time is around 12 noon.
Around 11am, they announced flight has been delayed to 4pm!..

Wah.... dunno what to do for 4 hours man!!!

Thats not the end.

On the flight, one flight stewardess was damn fierce and rude.
Someone wanted to sit next to the emergency exit.
The stewardess said in not a very polite way, 'You sit here, you must open the
door during emergency, you know?'

Half-way thru the flight, i tried to secretly eat a sandwich i bought while in
the airport... (4hours mah... sure must have bought something to eat).
But i kena 'caught' by this same stewardess. She look at me, and ordered me
to 'Put it away!' Told me twice. I kept quiet, took out my backpack and put the
remaining sandwich in my back. I also still had a small thumb-size bite left between
my fingers, and she sharply said 'That will be your last bite', and walked away.

Wah..... i was f****** pissed. Budget airline = budget service meh?

Her name is Dawn Tan..... will never forget her name, and never gonna take this airline again.

* Jetstar so much more better. My wife has been travelling every month on Jetstar,
and never once got flight delay. Crew also more pleasant.

my goodness.. this is terrible... that's the inverse of service...!

maleman said:
Just wondering, if we are caught eating our own food (personal sandwich), and the stewardess caught us and told us off, and we just ignore them and continue eating it quietly, what will happen? They can't throw throw us out of the plane. Will they have us arrested when we land , just over a sandwich? ;)

Constitutionally no law has been passed banning eating your own food in a plane.

If you are arrested after landing, they have to prove in court that the food you chewed was not the food you regugitated.

I think the budget airlines also look unfavourably upon you if you pass motions from the food you eat prior boarding as the toilet facility onboard is meant only for discharge from food and drink bought onboard.

By the way I am not a lawyer. :)

maleman said:
Just wondering, if we are caught eating our own food (personal sandwich), and the stewardess caught us and told us off, and we just ignore them and continue eating it quietly, what will happen? They can't throw throw us out of the plane. Will they have us arrested when we land , just over a sandwich? ;)

Hmmm....maybe you guys chould start a "Let's eat onboard tiger airways" Campaign... thats going to be interesting... :bsmilie:

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