Montage 2006

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Did someone say the judges use "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" to view and judge the photos? Not a good idea because that viewer lack color management. :)

I am interested to see the winning pics. Anyone know when will it be out in the website?

:bsmilie: Although I didn't win anything.. My comment didn't arise because of that.. Anyway, judging is already over and everything is finalised.. I shan't comment anymore.. Just take it as a good experience as to what kind of photos judges are looking for in the future :) Would also like to congratulate the winners :thumbsup:

enghong17 said:
I think its important to keep this thread open to suggestions and opinions, though we must all be fair and not let our personal disappointments over not winning anything get to out reasoning.

Logical and reasonable feedback is important to any event and to help the organizers improve. Doubts should be aired too so the organizers can clarify any of them and prevent any misunderstandings. For example the question of whether the judges know the theme, its customary of the montage competition judging OIC to brief all the judges before the start of the judging something one may not see if we do not notice it or join the judging after it has started.

There are also many actions the committee has to carry out which the public may not know and mistakened to be not taken, for example the calibration of screens. Its an important agenda for the organizers when they first decided to implement digital judging this year, there will always be arguments about which screen is more calibrated or correct in colour production but in trade off, the organization of the judging process is improved. Realise the increased efficiency of the judging process this year.

As in any first times, there will be bugs so do post any suggestions or email the organizing committee but at the same time recognize their effort and spirit of volunteerism.


clicknick said:
I am interested to see the winning pics. Anyone know when will it be out in the website?

Hope to get it up by tonight...
Our web designer is working on it, will post here once it is up.
Sorry for the wait.

Is it possible to find out the grading, even for those that didn't win anything? Just curious how the photos I submitted fared.. I'm sure many others would like to know as well :)

NUSPS said:
As Willy has already mentioned, the judges were informed of the theme. Furthermore, in the beginning of the second round of judging, the Judging Director reminded the judges of the theme once again.

Also, in the final round of judging, all 3 laptops were 14" IBMs. the 12" IBM was removed in the final round and replaced with a 14" Laptop.


jeryltan said:
Is it possible to find out the grading, even for those that didn't win anything? Just curious how the photos I submitted fared.. I'm sure many others would like to know as well :)

i dont think they will put up the score for all the 500+ pic, else the argument to how the judges perceive the photos will never end. Bet my dollars they will not do that

Actually they can just indicate the rating on the Montage 2006 submission site.. I think you only can view your own photos right? 'Cos I don't get to see other pple's submission also mah..

sigg said:
i dont think they will put up the score for all the 500+ pic, else the argument to how the judges perceive the photos will never end. Bet my dollars they will not do that

Got to admit.. The prize winners are :thumbsup: And are all very related to the theme :thumbsup:

There's a winning picture of a little girl looking straight at the camera. I think many people has lots of such pictures in their collections. Maybe it is the name that is behind the picture that matters more. :)

I think it could be because of the girl's expression..

sportshooter said:
There's a winning picture of a little girl looking straight at the camera. I think many people has lots of such pictures in their collections. Maybe it is the name that is behind the picture that matters more. :)

:think: Interesting..

+evenstar said:
my friend sent in a picture of two soccer players and it got accepted for exhibition...

i think it's all about how you write your description..

I don't even remember seeing a title or description field when i submit my pics :bsmilie: Guess I better fill in all the fields next time

zhang3feng said:
where to see the winning images in the :think:

All results are out on
Thumbnail of Top 6 entries of each catergory, is under Competition-Winners
For the list of exhibited entries, its under Exhibition-selected entries

If you are using IE, you may wanna clear your cahce if you have difficulty viewing the latest version of the page.:)

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