Me & my beloved Kiev4


New Member
Mar 17, 2014
an occasional gamer who just wants to share some photos by his trusty kiev 4, let me know what you think~





more on my flickr, most are unedited, only some are cropped

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good result :)

helios-103 or jupiter-8m?

Thank you! that would be a jupiter-8m sir, any tips for focusing for fast shots though? It seems almost impossible to do street photog when it takes ages for me to get the perfect focus.

Thank you! that would be a jupiter-8m sir, any tips for focusing for fast shots though? It seems almost impossible to do street photog when it takes ages for me to get the perfect focus.

use zone focusing.

use zone focusing.

dayum, just went online and searched about it. Needs constant practice huh? how long did it take you to sorta master zone focusing? Does it allow you to fully focus on a subject, capturing details or is it just barely enough? Nice photostream you got there on flickr too, what camera do you use? sorry for all the questions haha, new and curious here

No lah, my shots all lousy. I use a M2 and Yashica Mat 124. Zone focusing is pretty straightforward anyway, all you need to do is to estimate distancesand whatever is in the zone will be in focus. Details, sharpness, etc depends on what you want to show with your pics, therefore only you can answer that question.

No lah, my shots all lousy. I use a M2 and Yashica Mat 124. Zone focusing is pretty straightforward anyway, all you need to do is to estimate distancesand whatever is in the zone will be in focus. Details, sharpness, etc depends on what you want to show with your pics, therefore only you can answer that question.
i see, that's true as to what we want to portray. No man, your photos are great, can tell your train of thoughts and what you trying to tell us. Just a unrelated question though, when you get weird looks/if someone reprimands you when you're doing street photog, what do you do or how do you deal with it?

Im a pretty weird and awkward person to begin with. I usually say that Im just shooting for fun and people will give me even weirder looks haha. I will just walk away. My worst encounter so far was of a shouting old lady, but she calmed down after I explained what I was doing. You need to have a some what thick skin to do street. I treat ppl like subjects and do not get so emotionally conscious, if thats a term. Basically I do not care. Of couse the basic rules of common sense apply.

Im a pretty weird and awkward person to begin with. I usually say that Im just shooting for fun and people will give me even weirder looks haha. I will just walk away. My worst encounter so far was of a shouting old lady, but she calmed down after I explained what I was doing. You need to have a some what thick skin to do street. I treat ppl like subjects and do not get so emotionally conscious, if thats a term. Basically I do not care. Of couse the basic rules of common sense apply.
i see, thanks for the insight, really helps. Still unsure about street photog because a parent told me straight up not to take photos of her kids in an angry tone and i got rejected once even with a valid reason. Really sucks sometimes that's why i hardly have street photog shots, but i think it's really a special kind of photography that i really want to venture in though. I try to sneak in shots and turn away when they look my way and without zone focusing it can end up being like a tom and jerry thing HAHHA but i might look like a stalker or something. again thanks for that and wouldn't mind going for a photowalk one day with you pal.

I guess the key is not to behave creepy cuz people picks that up instantly. There are many ways to take candid shots without creeping people out. Otherwise, just ask politely for permission to shoot.