Me and my Yashica GSN


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2010
So i went for our honeymoon to Hokkaido, and I was chatting with a fellow hobbyist, and he introduced me to cheap film Rangefinders. Ever since being poisoned by the Leica M9, I was determine to get a cheap Rangefinder to try it out. So the tour Kaki recommended me the Russian Zorki.

So when I came back, I googled and searched. From Russian Rangefinders like Zorki, Fed and Kiev, to Japanese Rangefinders like Canon QL 17, Konica Auto S2/S3, and Yashica GSN. Then I set a budget not exceeding a 200 bucks, and went on eBay to check it out.

Found a great Yashica GSN, and bought it for about S$120. I just love the look of the Yashica. I knew it would be slightly heavy, but hey, my 5DM3 ain’t a feather too. I also bought a Zorki 4 for about S$80 bucks. I wanted to try a full manual interchangeable lens camera hence the Zorki 4.

So, the Yashica GSN arrived last week and I couldn’t wait to run a few rolls in it, well, that is if I know how to.

Here’s a look at my Yashica GSN. (By the way, you do know in the current Spiderman 2012 movie, Peter Parker was using the Yashica GSN).. It came with the Sunpac Auto 101 flash kit.


So went over to Peninsula to recee and tried Konota. Heard some good reviews from Clubsnap and the guy I spoke to was very friendly. I was a super noob and he was patient in his explaination, on what is slide and negative, and what is Velvia slide. He recommended me to try out ISO 400 films first as it was easier if I had under expose my shots.

So I bought a Kodak 200, 400 and a 400 B&W as I always love to shoot in B&W. Hey, if I can’t get a Leica M Monochrome, at least I can get a roll of B&W to act like one yeah ? Ok Ok, don’t start on the M Monochrome’s sensor not being sensitive to color, hence B&W is much sharper etc. I know that stuff… well, sort off.

Because the camera supports the olden mercury battery, and no one else will sell it now for fear of poisoning oneself, I bought a battery adaptor from Yashica Guy, so that I can use a common current battery, but it does seem to take AGES for it to arrive hence I am force to shoot at 1/500 for now.

Anyway, so I tried to insert my first roll in (which was the 400). Can’t be that hard can it? Make sure the holes get into the teeth, wind, and that’s it. right ? Anyway, tried for 20 mins, and just couldn’t get it to wind in. Went over to P&G Photographic Centre and spoke to a Mr Andrew. I told him i couldn’t get my film in and perhaps it was missing a part. He opened it and told me I didn’t do it properly, and showed me how to. I did everything right, but missed the most important step, which is to clip the film into the holder before you wind. ARGHHH !!!!…. Anyway, so I did it finally, and here are a few shots of my loverly youngest daughter.




Then my second girl came along, and wanted to join in.




Pity the last picture was not sharp. Still struggling with the Rangefinder as it was quite hazy. Would probably get it CLA with P&G.

Wasn’t too impress with the 4-Base scanning, hence bought a second hand Epson V330 so hopefuly, it can do better.

Hope I can do better with the B&W currently loaded in the GSN. Still waiting for my Zorki 4.

Glad you are enjoying your new camera! Film is such a wonderful medium to work with, just don't get distracted by buying new cameras because you will end up being a camera collector talking about gears instead of taking pictures(which is too common).

You can use 4 pcs of LR44 or 1 pc of 4LR44 batt for your camera, I'll take a photo of how I do it and show you tomorrow.

Riotbmx said:
Glad you are enjoying your new camera! Film is such a wonderful medium to work with, just don't get distracted by buying new cameras because you will end up being a camera collector talking about gears instead of taking pictures(which is too common).

You can use 4 pcs of LR44 or 1 pc of 4LR44 batt for your camera, I'll take a photo of how I do it and show you tomorrow.

Thanks. Very true. Hence wanted to keep my stuff tight.

Enjoy your cam. Shoot more, spend on film and less on gear. You have better chance of getting great photos.

lokechris said:
Enjoy your cam. Shoot more, spend on film and less on gear. You have better chance of getting great photos.

Yah. True. Just sold my x100 as felt I really like film. Forces me to think and compose more in my head first. Hope to upload somemore stuff.

My viewfinder quite dark. Will send to p&g for CLA. Hope it can be clearer as i find it hard to focus. Have to unfocus then focus to see the sharpness. Hopefully after CLA even more clear.

nice pictures...

Lovely kids you have and that's a good start... I recall my first roll was totally rubbish!

As for your hazy VF, you might want to have a go at this !!!

Let's see how far this brings you and your 5DMIII :bsmilie:

Lovely kids you have and that's a good start... I recall my first roll was totally rubbish!

As for your hazy VF, you might want to have a go at this !!!

Let's see how far this brings you and your 5DMIII :bsmilie:

Thanks. Beginner's luck maybe. But there were a few washed out over expose shots, which I suspect might be a light leak. Nothing a CLA can't fixed.

Thanks for the link on the hazy VF, but I'm confuse. If done, it'll be difficult to compose the shot as I can't see the surrounding ?

Errmmm. If your problem is a dim rangefinder patch that is lack of contrast that trick will work. But if it's a hazy viewfinder, you will need to get it cleaned. 2 different thing

Errmmm. If your problem is a dim rangefinder patch that is lack of contrast that trick will work. But if it's a hazy viewfinder, you will need to get it cleaned. 2 different thing

K noted. Will use abit of x100 I sold to CLA the RF. Have to wait for the Zorki to come in before I send. Andrew mentioned it will take about 10 days. Arghhh !!!!...

Tough luck. My battery adapter arrived with a new battery but my GSN doesn't seem to work with the battery. Arghhhh. Must I now pay to get it to work or stick with 1/500. Sigh.

Hi everyone. Finally got my battery adapter to work.

Thanks to all who tried to help. One bro loaned me his GTN to help me get over my "itch" if i do send my GSN for CLA. Another bro offered to give me his battery adaptor.


Arghhhhh. My film snapped. After taking a full roll, on the last shot it got stuck. I think then I turned it too hard and the film snap. Not knowing, thinking i rewound it back, I opened the hatch and bleah..... waste a full roll of shots and it has to be the 400 bw somemore. Sigh........

Knew I shouldn't use the last shot when the dial is already at 36.

You might still be able to retrieve the first 20+ shots.
That is if you closed the back quickly, and not stare at the film haha.

It should only have exposed about 5+ shots.