Malaysia Airlines plane missing...

Making a mockery and totally embarrassing Malaysia as a modern Country... :think:

At least they, unlike us, didn't proclaim to be a First class country

Making a mockery and totally embarrassing Malaysia as a modern Country... :think:

Err... if this had happened in any of many countries in the world, same same you know...

Err... if this had happened in any of many countries in the world, same same you know...

Some experts drew similarities with Air France Flight 447. Shall we read the search efforts by Brazil?
By the way, GDP Brazil and Malaysia are: 10,773 and 12,243 respectively. So both of the countries should be comparable?

Some experts drew similarities with Air France Flight 447. Shall we read the search efforts by Brazil?
By the way, GDP Brazil and Malaysia are: 10,773 and 12,243 respectively. So both of the countries should be comparable?

Brazil has more investment potential than Malaysia. They even have their own aircraft company, Embraer.

The water at Brazil are much more deeper than gulf of Thailand and they don't have so many misinformation. The aircraft type is also different. It is hard to compare.

It is hard to compare.

I really don't think we need to compare. For all it's said, each country has their own faults and some countries more than others.
That being said, some of us know Malaysia better (and some of us know Brazil better). We just have to accept these failures. Sadly for Malaysia, no one really cares about these failures once its over. Do you think they would change? This is Malaysia (don't forget, they have the highest public servant per population ratio than anywhere else in SEA and most of the other non SEA countries).

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I am not talking about comparing countries. I am talking about comparing missing aircraft cases.

Even if the airplane's transponder goes off or can't send anymore, any radar will still record the aircraft as a massive metal object. The question is, whether the flight control radar is able to pick up and display this signal or it is solely depending on the transponder data to identify the aircraft. Regardless from that, military radar of MY and VN should have tracked it all the way on its course. So why are there absolutely no radar records of the big aircraft in the sky after the transponder signal went off?

Even if the airplane's transponder goes off or can't send anymore, any radar will still record the aircraft as a massive metal object. The question is, whether the flight control radar is able to pick up and display this signal or it is solely depending on the transponder data to identify the aircraft. Regardless from that, military radar of MY and VN should have tracked it all the way on its course. So why are there absolutely no radar records of the big aircraft in the sky after the transponder signal went off?

without being insensitive, if a large metal object turns into a million small metal objects it's difficult to track