Lighting With Off-Camera Flash Tutorial


New Member
Dec 31, 2009
Hello friends!

Chris here from MONDO // PHOTOG. As a sort of follow-up to my series on lighting with on-camera flashes, I've decided to pen down a set of articles on how to begin strobin'.

You can read the first part here; Lighting With Off-Camera Flash – Getting Started, the Why’s and Hows (1/3)

Looking forward to your comments! Parts 2 will be released next Wed, 22 Jun '11. Will be posting it in this thread to prevent clutter! Also, do pen down what else you would like to know. In addition, if you've got any queries, you can post here or on my FB page. Cheers!

Feel free to follow me on Facebook or [url="]Twitter[/url]


EDIT: I'm really sorry but I'll be out of town from Sat - Wed. So don't be sad if I don't reply you on time, still love all you guys! Hope to catch you all soon!

Hello friends!

Chris here from MONDO // PHOTOG. As a sort of follow-up to my series on lighting with on-camera flashes, I've decided to pen down a set of articles on how to begin strobin'.

You can read the first part here; Lighting With Off-Camera Flash – Getting Started, the Why’s and Hows (1/3)

Looking forward to your comments! Parts 2 will be released next Wed, 22 Jun '11. Will be posting it in this thread to prevent clutter! Also, do pen down what else you would like to know. In addition, if you've got any queries, you can post here or on my FB page. Cheers!

Feel free to follow me on Facebook or [url="]Twitter[/url]


EDIT: I'm really sorry but I'll be out of town from Sat - Wed. So don't be sad if I don't reply you on time, still love all you guys! Hope to catch you all soon!

Nice writeout! Just wondering, do you organise outings for newbies to strobing so that they can learn more? :)

@BikerPh0t0z: Argh, sorry, just came back. Sorry for the late reply! At this point of time, I do not organize outings for newbies to learn strobin. However, I would be more than happy to answer any queries you might have regarding strobin.

Do post it on my FB page (which I monitor more closely) so I can keep track. Also, I can tell you that there are a minimum of 3 installments (all prepped and ready!) I'm still looking for FAQs/Suggestions on things that you guys want to hear so ask away!

Back again, with part 2! Check it out!

Part 2 - The Picture Takin' Process

This covers the 4 Elements of a Portrait and my 4 Steps to Takin' a Picture.

Once again, comments and criticisms welcome, I only want to provide the best learning experience for all of you. Only when we learn together can we collectively improve!

Yours in Service ;)

Okay, part 3's up on my blog guys. Still looking forward to hearing your comments and criticisms. I've got 2 more side-FAQs coming up for this series, there's really too much information to stuff into 3 posts ;)

Here it is!

Part 3 - Getting it Optimal'

Once again, if this has helped you, do help to "like" my FB page. It means a lot to me. Feel free to ask any questions on the page as well! Cheers!

Guys, my host is undergoing server maintenance and migration. As such, I would like to apologize in advance if you are greeted with an error when you try to view the pages.

Thanks a lot for your patience :)

On a separate note, someone asked me this question via PM, so I'll share the answer here as well: You can get Honl products either direct from their webbie or from Cathay Photo. If you're going for the gels, go for the sampler pack. Their one set of gels has lasted me a long long time.

Thanks for sharing.
Great articles and get a lot of information about lighting.

Hey friends,

Finally got some time to do some more work on my flash FAQs! In this article, I cover my answer to the question posted here.

I've also written down some quick tips on group photography, give it a read and let me know what you think!

Check that out here!